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Apr 28-May 04

Week of Apr 28-May 04

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Yesterday at around 5:45pm God called my sweet sweet daddy home. We are so blessed to have our prayers answered and that he is no longer in pain or suffering... (or that he has to endure the next 4 years of government 😉). There are no words I can muster together to express the heart ache that comes with losing someone as special as him. There is a void in our hearts that will long to see him, hold his hand, hug his neck, and have a deep conversation.

Rowe Miller is a name most of, if not all of you can associate a good story with, some that you may not even be able to share in mixed company. He was never one to say “No” to anyone who needed help. ALWAYS willing to lend a helping hand in anyway he could. He spoiled his family with not only his many talents, but with the biggest heart. He was a straight shooter, and never sugar coated anything.. which as a kid was hard sometimes, but man I so appreciate it now. 
There wasn’t anything he couldn’t do, and if he did it you know it was going to be done right! He was reliable and dependable. He certainly set the standard in my eyes. He loved being with his family and friends. He was always full of good stories or crude jokes. One thing, (among many) that I will always be thankful for is he always asked how my day was, and always knew when something was bothering me. He would ask “whatcha got on your mind baby?”. He always checked in on me, would listen and give the BEST advice. 

You may never meet another man quite like Rowe Miller... he surly is one of a kind. His legacy stretches far and wide, with many friends in between. He was quite the character... but man oh man was he a good soul. I hope as you reflect back on your time with him he still brings you a smile, he sure does for me. When I think of the future and how I can pour more of what my dad was into my own children I think of the legacy he left behind.

Love with no condition.
Stand up for those who can’t for themselves.
Always check in with, and check on those you care about.
Always be honest, even if it isn’t pretty.
Work hard for your family.
Spend time with your family.
Humor is some of the best medicine.
It’s always mind over matter.
There’s no crying in baseball.
Sometimes you just gotta piss on the fire and call in the dogs. 
When your sad or upset get your hands busy.
Gargle warm salt water when your throat is sore! 😉

Thank you all for all the kind words and continued prayers. We will all need God’s peace and comfort to navigate through this heartache. 

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