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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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I hope everyone had a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.  I had my most thankful Thanksgiving ever because I was able to attend in fairly good health.

Ten weeks since the crash I still have issues with wounds on my head, knee, and right wrist, dizziness, and right shoulder soreness from the fracture. I am making progress, but it's just going to take more time. I did start driving about a week ago with no problem.

My nurse comes in once a week for check ups. PT is twice a week still at home. In two weeks we switch to outpatient PT. Hopefully by January or February, I'd like to get back to the gym with a personal trainer. 

I need to thank all of you who sent cards, notes, and pictures. They kept my spirits high and made me more motivated to get better. I also need to send special thanks to those that brought me meals or took me out lunch (Pete Meyer, Pete and Nicole Rood, Mark and Rhonda Spontak, Kerry Moran, Mary and Jeff Barrett, Jay Schollmeyer, Sandy Freeman, Don Depa, Larry Dhamers, Ron Finley, Don Keller, Bill Shultz, Bill Daeschler, Dave Schwab, Peg Schwab, Debbie Charrlin, Tom Minser, Pete Schlueter, Peggy Gilgallon, and John Leara).

My next group to send a big thank you is to the Geezers - Bill, John, Kemper, and Marcus. Not only were they there when all HELL broke loose, but they visited me in the hospital, and each came to my house in West Chicago from Kansas, Milan, Ill., Atlanta, and Phoenix. I couldn't ask for a better group friends than them.

The motorcycle trips we had over the last eleven years are priceless. We've been from border to border, coast to coast, in small towns and big towns, in fancy hotels and not so fancy, good weather and bad weather, break downs and running out of gas, always met interesting people....but the best part was we always had smiles on our faces at the end of the day.

My next person to send a special thanks to is my brother Dennis. He too was there from the beginning and witnessed the accident. I can't imagine, along with the other Geezers, what memories (nightmares) he and they must have. I feel so, so sorry for them. This was not how we thought our trips would end.

Dennis was also with me those first few days in the hospital tending to my needs. I was immobile for the fact I couldn't use my hands, sit up in bed or get out of bed.  The nurses and doctors were in and out, so he filled in during their absence. He was the one sending updates to Brian. I know this wasn't easy for him to describe the goings-on in my room with a virtually an unrecognizable brother laying there. 

The next people I need to thank the most are my two sons, Brian and Ben. They were and are my heroes. Without them, I know I wouldn't have made the progress I did. Seeing them in my room at the hospital made all the difference. I am so proud of them. From Brian helping in the room and sending the daily reports back home to Ben driving down and back and being my eyes and ears with doctors. I couldn't have asked for any better sons.

Then once we got back home, the turmoil we had to go through to set up my care just about broke our backs. But, Ben and Brian persisted, and today the light at end of the tunnel is getting brighter. Again, they are the BEST SONS I could have ever wished for. I love them more than they know.
I've attached three pictures. The first is of the Geezers there day before the accident.  Pictured from left right are Marcus, Bill, Kemper, me, Dennis, and John. Notice the title: "The Last Ride" 10/18/23. 

The second picture is a drawing that Tom Minser's sister in law drew. Hope it puts a smile on your face.

The third is of course me and my two granddaughters taken a few days ago on Thanksgiving.  Megan is a junior in high school and Maddie is a 6th grader in middle school. My two M &M Girls. Love them.
Again, a BIG THANK YOU to you all.
- Roger

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