Help Rita Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Rita’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 17 donors who have made a donation in honor of Rita.

Need an audiobook during this time? Try Tina Fey's Bossypants:) Thinking of you and Julie!
Constance Chiplock | Jun 4, 2020
FERNANDA RUBIO | Jun 1, 2020
Hey there dear friend, Stay strong...... you got this ! Love and miss you .....
Linda and Bob Cignarella | May 29, 2020
Rita, I am Betsy's sister Conree, we met many years ago, I just want you to know you are getting prayers from Florida
Constance Hoffman | May 18, 2020
You kick butt Rita. I'm rooting for whatever team you are on.
frances smith | May 17, 2020
Kick its Ass Rita!
Daryl and Rob | May 17, 2020
Supporting this amazing resource.
Kathy Heatwole | May 16, 2020
Rita, sending you hugs and prayers on your journey to beat cancer.
MC Dunn (a friend of Julia Aand Tom in VA) | May 16, 2020
For my the big R in my world. Cheers to backup kids.
Rudy Schreyer | May 16, 2020
Marnie Fulton | May 14, 2020