Help Reagan Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Reagan’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 33 donors who have made a donation in honor of Reagan.

Love you Reagan??
Charlene Brown | Dec 7, 2021
Prayers for all of you, especially strength and healing for Reagan.
Anonymous | Dec 6, 2021
Dear Regan & Jon, I am Mary's friend from Elim & have been praying for you on this healing journey. 1 Peter 5:10,11 is the promise the Lord gave me in Feb for you, Reagan, & for your whole family. Love you guys, Sandra & Steve Miners
Sandra and Steve Miners | Oct 17, 2021
Kevin Klonoski | Oct 9, 2021
Dear Reagan: As I said earlier, you don't know me but I'm a sister in Christ with the Care Team at ShadowRock Church. & learned of your journey from Rebecca. I pray that this contribution will help you continue to share. Much love & God bless,
Sue Marie Leidner | Oct 6, 2021
So good to hear of great progress! Thank you for all of the updates. We will continue to pray and believe.
Tracy Dillon | Sep 11, 2021
We are still praying for you guys
Cathie Yager | Jul 6, 2021
Thank you for your wonderful service. God Bless
Don Burman | May 21, 2021
Reagan I am praying for you. You are an amazing person. I still value the time that we spent together in St. Louis. I always admired how you opened your home and life to others. You had a great impact on my life.
Charlene | May 2, 2021
Love hearing from you as you share your journey. Know we are all praying for you!
Love, The Welsches | Apr 27, 2021