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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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Hi Everyone!  I hope this update finds you well and enjoying your summer. 

Mom continues to amaze us all and is doing so well!  Her healing has gone quicker than expected and at only 10 weeks post-surgery, she is mostly back to normal.  I am so thankful for the healing power of prayer and how well she has done.  The Lord has certainly shown her great favor and heard all of our prayers.  Thank you for continuing to lift her up. 

Since my last report, Rayma is still having a small issue with needing to continue to take magnesium that we are hoping to she can stop soon.  It is tough on the gut and that is no fun.  Right now she is in a holding pattern of seeing how the trends of blood work and scans pan out.  She has had her first two rounds of blood work and one CT.  The blood work numbers are trending in the right directions!  Her cancer antigen numbers that show if there is tumor activity continue to trend downward in the low normal range and are the lowest they have ever been!  Her other numbers have also normalized.  For now and as long as these trends continue, NO CHEMO!  We are still awaiting doctor’s review of the CT scan and will know more about that next week.  But, I’m thinking a lot will be inconclusive until subsequent scans are done for comparison. 

Mom is back to dialy walking, church, shopping, and has enjoyed a few short trips for visits with family and friends.  John picked her up a few weeks ago for a weeklong stay with them and a quick trip to the beach in Delaware.  Tim and I recently took Andrew up to Virginia Tech for his orientation and mom came with us and we dropped her in Roanoke to visit with some of her dear artist friends.  She had a wonderful time!  Her hair has grown back nicely and she is looking super chic with her pixy style and fun clothes.  I believe she actually feels better than she did before she started chemo back in October!  Mom has come so far and it’s truly miraculous how well she has recovered from the surgery! 

Our household too is getting back on a good rhythm with the kids at home and less frequent doctor visits for Mom.  We have a busy summer and two heading off to college in a few weeks.  I was pretty exhausted by the demands of everything over the past few months.  It has been hard on everyone so it is nice to feel a sense of relief and getting back to a bit of normalcy.  I pray it continues! 

Thank you for your continued thoughts, encouragement and prayers for Rayma and us.  We ask that you continue to pray as we face this new stage of disease monitoring, following this long treatment road.  My biggest and overarching prayer is that it not only lasts a REALLY LONG time, but that we can live in it free of worry and to the fullest.    Specific prayers requests are:

  • Continued positive trends for blood work numbers
  • No more need for high doses of magnesium
  • Scans are all cancer free and stay that way
  • Rayma remains active, lives well and is free of worry during this time of good health
  • Discernment on treatment going forward, as required
  • Rayma can find purpose and meaningful activities to fulfill her desires and share her talents, now that she is doing well
  • No other complications or health issues arise (blood pressure, blood sugar, major organ systems, etc.)

Much love, 
- Joanie


I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live, loving the Lord your God, obeying his voice and holding fast to him, for he is your life and length of days, that you may dwell in the land that the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them."  - Deuteronomy 30:  19-20

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