Help Robin Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Robin’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 33 donors who have made a donation in honor of Robin.

Robin is such an inspiration and everyone who knows her appreciates the updates and what specific prayers Robin and her family are asking for.
Stay Strong, Kathy Dixon | Apr 26, 2023
Dear Robin, I am sorry to hear that your cancer in your lungs has progressed. Am praying for you and know that God hears our and your prayers! You have such Faith! He will keep you in the hallow of his hand!
ann harper | Mar 30, 2023
Praying for Robin and her family in this difficult time.
Arlene Mindus | Mar 30, 2023
Tim Acree | Feb 24, 2023
God bless you Robin. You are in my prayers .
Carl Copeland | Jan 13, 2023
You are an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your journey. Your faith is so inspirational. There is no doubt that you and your family are special. Praying that you beat cancer!
Heather & Ken Fahmy | Dec 19, 2022
Kendall, your mother continues to be in my daily thoughts and prayers for successful treatments of her tumors and to alleviate her pain and discomfort.
Arlene Mindus | Dec 8, 2022
My thoughts and prayers are with you! Robin you are a strong woman! Strong like Ruth! Love you
Love you, Joanie VanDeventer | Nov 22, 2022
Dear Robin, It is our hope and prayer that this procedure relieves some discomfort this week and eases your breathing. We are following your journey and pray that God will grant you strength & peace. Love in Him, Lissa, Carolyn & Anna
Lissa Bounds | May 25, 2022
Dear Robin, We send our love to you and your family. Sherri and Steve
Sherri and Steve O'Donnell | May 21, 2022