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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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Gratitude turns what we have into enough.”

I asked Rachel what she would like me to communicate in this update, she raised her right hand immediately and signed, T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U. (She finished her sentence specifically thanking everyone for your prayers and financial help).

Gratitude involves both cause and an effect. 

When we make the decision to be grateful, for the many blessings and challenges in life, it enhances the sense of peace in our hearts & minds while producing patience and contentment.

Patience is very hard sometimes and contentment is nearly impossible without patience.

Patience is enabled through believing that God is good all the time, even when we don’t see outcomes that we want/need. It’s believing that, “everything works together for the good of those who love God…(Romans 8:28a).

Contentment is possible when we submit, our expectations for life & our understanding of how the events of life should transpire, to an unwavering faith that God is always good. 

(Once again, I am not suggesting that it’s easy being or remaining grateful when life is hard.)

I began writing this update nearly a month ago, and each time I came back to complete it, I just couldn’t…not without questioning whether I truly believed what I was writing. 

Am I grateful when it seems like Rachel’s progress is slow, steady and barely measurable?  Is my mind and heart thankful when we don’t have answers to our questions? What about the times I wait “on hold” for 90mins or more just to be told that there is a document missing (that I am certain was included) in our benefits application file? 

Our patience & contentment have been tested daily, but God is always Good. 

Today is Mother’s Day and this morning I asked God for help to be grateful, even though it would be a very different Mother’s Day than past celebrations. 

I am, at this moment very thankful for Rachel, our children, for the friends and family that have showered us with love and encouragement (not just today but throughout the past several weeks!!) So many cards, notes, text messages, and gifts. 

Every hug, prayer, inspirational thought, and reminder of what matters most is like a stone that’s added to the foundation that we stand upon.  Each act of service, gesture of kindness and generous contribution that helps meet our physical needs, is a fresh breeze that restores & sustains us emotionally & spiritually.

We count you all as blessings!

This past week we did finally receive notification that Rachel’s application for Medicaid and Long Term Care has been approved, and we will be contacted by a case worker in the near future who will help us navigate next steps. 

The medical coverage is currently active and was just in time for me to refill prescriptions before we depleted the supply that was paid for by her previous plan. 

We are scheduled for  CT scan & MRI on June 3rd which are needed to proceed with a follow up appointment with the surgeons who removed her tumor in June of last year. 

(Please pray that office receives authorization from Sunshine Health to see Rachel. They are not typically in their network of doctors.)

We are registered with a facility in Orlando that specialize in the facial nerve testing and potential surgery, however there is a 9-10 month waiting list. I will continue to search for options that can evaluate Rachel sooner. 

Rachel is still getting stronger. Her exercises are intensifying, and we now have an adjustable therapy table at the house which makes certain movements & stretches much more effective.  Our communication becomes increasingly easier, and we are adding more outings to our routine. Her vision is still a problem and she really misses tasting food and beverages. 

Rachel was able to attend our daughter Hosanna’s graduation party last Sunday and stayed for the entire afternoon. She slept nearly the entire following day to recover, and even was up for attending the commencement ceremony yesterday (which included almost 2 hours of total travel time)!

It was certainly a highlight getting to watch our sweet girl walk across that stage and hear, “Hosanna Rae Folmsbee, Summa Cum Laude, Honors Program,” resonate throughout the stadium! 

Later this month we celebrate our 29th wedding anniversary and Rachel’s birthday. There just isn’t a suitable way to say how grateful I am for her and our life together! 

With overflowing thanksgiving & joy,

Blessings to you all,

Jeremy & Rachel

“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength” Philipians 4:11-13

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