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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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I'm back for a little update.

First of all, thank you will never explain the amount of gratitude our family has felt these last three months. We have had meals sent, gas cards, encouraging notes, and so many prayers!  Last Thursday, Mom's employer, First State Bank, sponsored a benefit for our family who collaborated with a special group of friends with the most amazing silent auction. So many businesses and friends, donated time and money to help our family.  It was nothing we were expecting, but everything we have to be grateful for. God has placed so many wonderful people in our life to help carry us through this. Thank you to our family, friends, co-workers, and community. "A generous person will prosper, whoever refreshes others will be refreshed." Proverbs 11:25

Physically she is making progress, but her cognitive recovery is still something we are hoping will improve over the coming months. 

Mom came home for a home visit last Monday with her therapists.  She was so excited. She remembered some of the house projects Dad was supposed to get done, that he hasn't. LOL! She kept saying how beautiful her house is and how much she misses being home. We were worried about getting her back to On With Life, but she didn't cause us any trouble!

She gets to come home tomorrow for the day. Dad and Jordan are picking her up bright and early.  Getting her back might be interesting :) 

They have given us a final discharge date of 5/19. Next week. As the date approaches, we are getting the house ready for her as far as safety goes. We are going to sit down and plan out what her days will look like. We have a meeting set up with home care to have some help during the week. Even though we know she could benefit with some more time at On With Life, we are hopeful she will feel more at peace being home.  Being away has been the root of her anxiety and frustration this entire time. Her therapist told us that sometimes they see patients discharge, who may not quite be ready, but as soon as they get home, they make leaps and bounds. We will continue outpatient therapy with On With Life in hopes to keep helping her progress. We have to try it. She wants to be home so badly.

The hard part begins. Please  continue to keep us all in your thoughts and prayers as we adjust to our new normal. 

"Trust in the Lord with your whole heart. Never rely on your own understanding. He will show you the RIGHT WAY"  Proverbs 3:5-6

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