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May 12-18

Week of May 12-18

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God answered every prayer so specifically. I’ve listed how the prayers were answered, at the top, and the original prayer requests, below.

When the PUPPPs rash got unbearable I pleaded with Jesus to throw me into labor ASAP as long as River would be okay. About 45 minutes later I started having contractions and 14 hours later, River was born.

River remained in my womb as long as I could possibly stand.

I never got any infection.

Healthy and strong Baby River was born with no complications.

His brain development was great and lung development was so good that he was only on oxygen for the first couple days in the NICU and one other day in the middle of his stay. I was able to get two sets of the steroid shots before River was born, which helped increase Baby River’s lung capacity.

River was discharged from the NICU on 8/21/19, which was a month before his due date. The NICU said to expect him to be in the NICU until his due date. I was able to hold him for 60 seconds right after he was born before going to NICU.

River got on Medicaid, which will pay for his NICU stay in full, saving us $5,500, which would have been the out of pocket max on my health insurance for River.

It was a safe and painless delivery (with epidural) for both River and me. In fact, I only pushed for 20 minutes and did not feel any pain while pushing.

I remained encouraged by friends/visitors in the hospital, and by trusting in God’s plan.

God sent me into labor on August 5, per my request, due to the unbearable itch/rash from PUPPPs. I did not need pitocin to induce labor.

I dialated and effaced quickly (with help of pitocin part way through). Labor was 14 hours verses the 12 or less that I prayed for.

River was stronger and healthier than expected and got to go home from NICU 1 month prior to due date.

I recovered from the worst part of the pain post delivery within 2 weeks.

God’s hand and answered prayer were so apparent. I even witnessed to the LDS doctor and shared that I prayed to Jesus and He sent me into labor early.

I continue to praise the Lord!!!

Another prayer request unlisted in my blog was for the Lord to make it clear to me (when my water broke without me realizing) and give me one more sign that I should go to the hospital if there was something wrong. A few minutes later, my mucous plug broke. I went to the hospital at 3:30 AM and sure enough, the nurse ran a test and confirmed my water broke.

Another unlisted prayer request was my hope for River to be over 5 lbs at birth, preferably 5 lbs 5 oz. He was 5 lbs 5.5 oz. (The ultrasound technician said he’d be approximately 4.5-5.5 lbs.)

God is good! River’s birth is a testament to God’s faithfulness and that He, indeed, answers prayer!

The Original Prayer Requests: (You can read them all verbatim on my blog)

Please pray for River to continue to remain in the womb for as long as possible.

Please pray for no infection, otherwise this would require me to be induced, in order to protect River.

Please pray for a healthy, strong Baby River with no complications from being born early.

Please pray for his continued brain development, lung development, etc,

Please pray for a shorter than expected NICU visit and that we can hold him and take him home ASAP after delivery.

Please pray for us to continue to trust in the Lord's financial provision and in His perfect plan.

Please pray for a safe, painless delivery for both River and me.

Please pray for me as a I live in the hospital for up to 5 weeks and continue to bring encouragement and friends and family to visit and help me laugh.

More prayer requests half way through my hospital stay:

I'm praying very specifically for certain things and hoping that when these are answered, it will be so undeniably God, that people will come to know Him, who need Him.

1.) I am praying God sends me into labor naturally August 7th or morning of August 8th before they have to give me pitocin to induce me.

2.) I pray I will dilate and efface quickly and the labor be no longer than 12 hours (they say 2-3 days could be typical in my case).

3.) I pray River comes out so much stronger and healthier than they could have predicted and that he thrives in the NICU and gets to come home earlier than 9/9/19 (his original due date).

4.) I pray my recovery is quick from vaginal delivery (yes, with epidural) and that River does so well that I get to hold him ASAP.

5.) I pray that God's hand is so apparent that River's birth story will have the doctors and teams of people scratching their heads and opening their ears to listen to and to understand how this all happened.

I will not hesitate to Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for all victories, miracles, and answered prayers.  Whether a seed is planted or if people come to know the Lord because of it, it will be a big victory in the Kingdom of God.

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