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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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Wow-what a trip 2020 has been so far. It has given and it has taken so much from so many. Yet through all the turmoil, I feel so grateful to have such a gifted, beautiful and warm-hearted family such as I do as well as friends like family. I am loved and you ALL are very much appreciated and deeply loved by me. 


About a month and a half ago I got a call from my newly assigned oncologist explaining to me I had breast cancer. Even though I thought I had prepared myself for those possible words spoken, I don't know if anyone can really be fully ready for the word cancer. As I listened to the doctor drone out monotone instructions to what my next steps needed to be in this journey, I found my mind drifting away and fading him out like the noise of a college professor's lecture in the background. When we hung up I was left pretty much motionless, expressionless and numb. This was myself trying desperately to be tough n putting on my big girl panties, not only for myself but loved ones around me that I had to break the news to. My head was playing the record 'Calm Down Everything Will Be Alright' over and over again. My next thought was... this is so surreal and then it hit me like a ton of bricks that I knew my life was about to change course for a time. Stop... wait, pray n process.


After calling my kids and letting them know what was going on with my health, and even before the pathology report came back, my girls went into lighting speed action working behind the scene to make things happen. As my heroine advocates, they found a great team of doctors for me. 

Jadria stayed by my side from my first appointment to my last before surgery 2 weeks ago today. Janell and Jadria helped me get many domestic and legal affairs in order and along with Ashley, brought all their professional medical knowledge and counsel to the round table, which was such a large burden off my shoulders. Korbin helped with the outside work along with a few great friends and family members helped from gathering supplies to rearranging my home and setting me up to make a more comfortable home recovery. 


Being that it was a whirlwind of decisions that had to be made in a short period of time I decided to keep the news fairly limited to family and a handful of friends so not to confuse my mind and heart with too many opinions on the subject. I needed time to just stop, wait a minute/few days while I had time to talk to the Lord and work out his plan for me and not just follow my own not so brave feelings. After much prayer it was clear to me I was to have a radical mastectomy. I doubted that advice a few days before surgery and picked up the phone to call my surgeon and to tell her I wanted a lumpectomy instead, but put the phone back down when I heard His still small voice again and then again loud and clear... “Trust me, I've got you covered.” And I gave the fight over to Him to battle for me after that.

My little family [my 3 kids] gathered around me two weeks ago after surgery, brought me home and used their 6 watchful eyes and professional skills to comfort and take care of me better than that of any hospital care could of done. So proud of what they have become and accomplished in life. Janell continued to stay with me over the weekend and Jadria took off on medical leave last week to be with me day and night... I know, right? What a blessed Mom I am.  Ashley came and checked up on me n my wounds to see if I was healing fine. So I have been in perfect hands. 


For my family/friends that don't know yet and have questions of findings from the pathology were as follows;

1 large tumor came back as Invasive ductal carcinoma.

2 out of 26 LN removed came back positive for micrometastatic tumors that came from surprise tumor #2 found and was an Invasive lobular carcinoma.

#5 tumor found is a Basil cell carcinoma on my head that will be removed surgically in the near future. 

So 5 tumors found instead of 1 and 3 types of cancer. 

Now I know why the Lord said “Trust me and keep with the plan” A lumpectomy would not have found the most dangerous of the two breast cancers. God is good!

Discussion with both my oncologist and surgeon for post-op treatment as of this week was a decision made between the 3 of us that further testing on the tumors is necessary before proceeding with any additional interventions such as chemo.

It is my and my family's hope/prayer that the markers are low to nonexistent forgoing chemo altogether. Which would make my only additional intervention estrogen therapy for 5-10 yrs and routine healthcare checks which I've been bad about not doing for the last 8 yrs. Please if you are a prayer warrior I ask the Lord for this request, that I can avoid chemo that won't go well with underlying autoimmune health issues I have. 


My thanks, appreciation and so much love from my whole heart go out to my kid's (All 6 of them) that have worked tirelessly through this trying situation and put up with a lot from ole Mom/Gma. And to my Mom, sister, brother, brother-in-law, niece and nephew, Gkids, friends like family, cousins, and aunts for all your support, I love you dearly! And could not of done this by myself without you!


Many words escape me presently because I'm still a little overwhelmed by everything and still waking up little by little each day as I back away from the pain killers.

I do not know what God's will is for my near future but today looks promising and I praise my Lord for that! I want to thank you for all of your prayers and thoughts during this time. Hopefully, when I have more energy I can find the right words to express all of my emotions of love for each and every one of you a little better.

Sorry for the length of the message but better to let you all know than to have to repeat so many details over and over. I'll try to be better in the near future to keep you all updated on the final treatment plan.


Janell Hardesty Royer Jadria Metcalf Korbin Hardesty Ashley Hardesty Keith Royer Travis Metcalf Cathy Gutierrez William Settle Catherine Settle


Fear, worry, and anxiety is looking into the future without Jesus. So for now and always, I'll keep Him close. Thank you Lord, I love You!  Phyllis


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