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May 12-18

Week of May 12-18

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What a journey we have been on together. Our family will never be able to adequately express what your support has meant to Peter, his sisters, and us over these last 2 years. We wanted to gratefully, and hopefully, bring this page to a close with one more update. 

September 6 marked another clean scan for Peter, his third since he finished active treatment in the Spring. As you can imagine the weeks leading up to these quarterly scans are full of anxiety and we don't think that will ever change. We hold our breath. We say our prayers. We give thanks for every day. And we wait to hear the acronym - NED - No Evidence of Disease.

Peter started third grade and has been rocking it. They are long days, not only because he is still building up his endurance, but also because he hasn't ever experienced a full-year of school. Kindergarten was interrupted by COVID and 1st and 2nd grades with cancer. But he is happy. He is packing a lunch box, doing his homework, enjoying recess. He's got all his hair, a lingering tan from summer. He is 9 and as he reminds us, "ready to shine." 

Peter was asked to be an Ambassador for the CHOP Parkway Run on Sunday, September 25. He's had fun photo shoots, recorded videos for sponsors, and has been using his charm and wit to win over new friends for this important cause. If you want to join his team and run or walk with us to help conquer childhood cancer, please check it out at:

Regardless of whether you can come next week - you have already been on this team from the very beginning and we cannot thank you enough. You have walked with our family. You have been what has pushed us forward when we were discouraged or tired or nervous. We could not have run this race without you and while we hopefully will never have to post to this page again, we move into this next chapter knowing that regardless of what lies ahead, we have been given the greatest gift - knowledge that we have never been and will never be alone. God is here. God is always here and God has been more present to us than ever before through you.

After Peter's first post treatment scan in the Spring, he was adamant to write the Pope and tell him that Blessed Carlo should be declared a saint because it was a miracle. In our silly adult-ness we tried to explain why it wasn't really a miracle that would count. Peter's response. "Mom and Dad, I'm alive and that's a miracle. It counts." As usual, Peter was right. Life is always a miracle and Peter's life and his witness and your witness have been miraculous. Peter wrote to the Pope and the Pope wrote back! While Peter would've liked a little more definitive answer on when Carlo gets his sainthood, he was pretty excited to get a letter from the Pope.

Recognize the miracles. Give thanks for the days. Walk with others as you have walked with us, because you have no idea the profound impact it has made in our lives and there are so many others desperate to know they are not alone. It counts.

Know that as you continue to pray for Peter, we pray for you - our team with whom we could not have finished this race.

Tricia, Dan, Annie, Katie, Peter, and Norah

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