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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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Hello friends-

 I had intended on writing this update so much sooner! Thank you so much for your support, kindness and generosity in this season. Patrick and I have been just floored by you all time and time again. We are so thankful for you. Patrick has been feeling better and better each day. He has still not seen markable difference in his pain in his arms but has experienced better sleep, his brain fog is almost completely gone and his disposition is lighter and happier! He is more like himself than he has been in a very long time. We are told that it's around six to eight weeks post treatment that the most improvement is seen so we are expectant of more improvements as the days continue. Thank you for your prayers and we still need them! 

I thought I would copy down what I wrote down on our last day at Biologix. I cannot believe a full two weeks have passed since then...

"It's our last day here at the Biologix Center. It's so bitter sweet. 

I both cannot wait to get back to our regular routine and to do something other than sit in a chair all day...but then again it means leaving a place of safety and a place that has quickly become home to us.It's so sad to even realize that as I sit here this morning. It's been such a healing/restorative place for us. We have been loved on and cared for intricately. We have been surrounded by people We have gone deep here, we have share stories, cried, prayed with, laughed together through years. There truly is nothing quite as comforting as being surrounded by friends who know this pain intimately,who are currently walking this road. If anything, that has done much for our souls. 
We have gone deep into our own souls as well. These two weeks have given us the time, rest and space required to become familiar with our hearts, We had in a way lost a bit of ourselves in all the surviving. We had forgotten what our own breathing sounded like and how it feels to hear the voice of Jesus. We have been in survival mode for so long and hadn't realized how much we had shut ourselves off from and towards. Patrick has had his heart given back to him. His aspirations and dreams have returned to him in ways that maybe he had never even experienced before. As we go into this next season the Lord has given me the word: Brave... and I think Patrick would agree that this is how God is leading him as well.

There is also a sense of sadness that Patrick is still in pain. The pain in his arms hasn't seemed to have dissipated. I so envisioned him walking out of this place pain free. This morning Patrick admitted to feeling anxious... anxious about the many people who would ask him how he was doing and then the possibility of being disappointed. It's tough. We've heard it many times that it does take a few months and another visit often before complete healing occurs. But there are so many stories from people on their death beds, finding restoration and healing here. As I was reminded this morning, like an onion we are pealing back the layers. We now have a customized plan set up for Patrick.
We have strategies and are aware of the power of thought and a test kit on the way to test our home for mold. Prayers that the Lord has given us to pray for intentionally. So were set up and ready to go!

I am expectant, thankful and excited to see what the future holds for us." 

Thank you again, for the prayers, the texts, the marco polo's, the emails, the letters an gifts...they have meant the world to us.

We wanted to ask y'all again too, if you are at all led, our Paypal is still set up to pay for the two weeks of treatment Patrick received while in Wichita. We have been so humbled by the Lord's provision and have a complete peace that the Lord will provide! Just know how cool it is to part of something like that! 

Love you all so much,
Nichole & Patrick 

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