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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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Update on Kurt’s Shoulder Surgery

While this Caring Bridge site was principally set up to keep you updated on Pat’s recovery from two traumatic brain injury (TBI) concussions in late February and late March of this year, I’ll “cheat” a little bit and include a brief update on my September 2nd surgery as well as an update on Pat’s progress.

Thank you for your prayers for my left shoulder rotator cuff surgery! The outcome was nothing short of miraculous! I literally think that God healed my torn rotator cuff immediately prior to the surgery. The night before the surgery my left shoulder was more painful than it had ever been! The next morning I had surgery at 7:15am at Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas. I later learned that once the surgeon began the surgery and was able to look into the shoulder, he determined that the rotator cuff did not need to be repaired after all (despite two MRI's two years apart both showing a partial tear and progressive degeneration of the rotator cuff)! Instead Dr. Moen told me in recovery that he removed several bone spurs and shaved off torn cartilage and then cleaned out the shoulder joint - and and that was all he had to do! In recovery he told me that I could remove my sling the next day and immediately begin using my left arm. I have been virtually pain free ever since recovery, other than some very slight shoulder muscle soreness.

Although the surgery turned out unbelievably better than anticipated (from major to minor surgery from my vantage point), I realized over the Labor Day holiday weekend that recovery from surgery and, in particular, from being under general anesthesia for several hours, still took it’s toll on my body and my psyche. Eight days after surgery I am just now returning to normal sleep patterns and an overall feeling of well-being. All that to say, thank you for your concern and prayers! And thanks be to God, the Great Physician for healing my shoulder and saving me 6 weeks of wearing a sling and a very painful recovery!

Update on Pat’s Recovery

I never cease to be amazed at Pat’s diligence and determination in her active engagement in her recovery process. She continues to go to outpatient therapy (physical, occupational, speech) for 3 hours each day Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The other 4 days a week she is relentless in her commitment to perform several hours each day of “homework” exercises that she receives from each of her three therapists!

Pat’s attitude remains upbeat and her outlook positive even as the recovery process is very slow, incremental and protracted. We are still waiting to see a new neurologist at UT Southwestern Medical Center in late October.

Pat’s speech recovery has been and continues to be remarkable. In my unscientific assessment I think her speech is about 80% recovered to her pre concussions level. Her ataxia (involuntary muscle movements) in her hands and feet and arms and legs have been slower to recover. Consequently Pat has not been able to drive a car since late February and continues to rely on a walker except occasionally when she is at home and can walk around the house using walls and furniture for support.

Please continue to pray for the Lord to fully heal Pat to 100% of her pre-concussion “normal”. And please join me in thanking and praising God for Pat’s wonderful attitude and outlook as she “fights the good fight” of therapy and exercises to recover from such a traumatic accident and the two resulting concussions.

On Monday (9/12) we will celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary and we give great thanksgiving to God that He continues to bless and our marriage and our family despite these trials. After 35 years we are more in love and overflowing with contentment even in the midst of the battles we are facing together every single day.

Your loving friendship and your faithful prayers continue to carry us and encourage us every single day. Thank you from the bottom of our deeply grateful hearts!

We love you and we give thanks for you, always! (Philippians 1:3-11)

- Kurt and Pat

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