Help Ben Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Ben’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 23 donors who have made a donation in honor of Ben.

Hope you're feeling well soon, Ben!
Kim & Pat Woods | May 2, 2020
Casey - sending a big virtual hug to you, Ben and the kids. I'm so sad that you all are having to go through this, especially at such a weird time in the world right now when health care is being so challenged and visits are limited.
Cheryl Harte | Apr 26, 2020
I wish I could be there. Love you
Clara Charbonneau | Apr 25, 2020
Love you
Cindee | Apr 25, 2020
Casey, sending lots light your way. Hoping the best for Ben.
Fabiola | Apr 24, 2020
Sending you prayers Light, Love, Energy As you move through each day
LOVE LIz | Apr 24, 2020
Send love and support- because one without the other is never enough when in need.
Juliet Pool | Apr 22, 2020
I am thinking of you, Ben, and wish you a rapid recovery. Scott Miles
Scott Miles | Apr 22, 2020
Adding our love and support as you progress through this challenging journey.
Alan & Carolyn Butler | Apr 22, 2020
Sending lots of positive energy your way
Penny Davis | Apr 21, 2020