Help Oliver Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Oliver’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 43 donors who have made a donation in honor of Oliver.

Good luck Oliver. Prayers your way !
Ellen Hight L’Europa | Apr 11, 2019
Oliver, It's been inspiring to see how you've coped so far and wonderful to witness the support you've had from close family and friends. Keep being as 'bad ass' as you've been looking these days with that goatee and latest hairstyle, 'Walter White'.
Karl Fitzke | Apr 5, 2019
Dear Oliver, This is just a small token. I remember your nice smile and kind words back in high school!
Deborah Bors | Mar 29, 2019
Hey Oliver, I was so sorry to hear about your diagnosis! I'm glad to see you are still fighting for your aerobic exercise. We are all thinking about you. Please let us know if there is anything we can do. Love, Theresa and the Hubbells
Theresa Hubbell | Mar 13, 2019
Hey Oliver. Guatemala Bill here. I've just read all the journal entries and wonderful comments from your family and friends. From the photo of you three kids. I do believe I would recognize all if I saw you on the street. I pray for healing and comfort.
Bill Butz | Mar 10, 2019
Dave Holowka | Mar 4, 2019
sending healing vibes to you, Oliver!!
Esther Racoosin | Feb 18, 2019
Stay strong, my friend, and kept up with the posts, as you can.
Pat and John Gaines | Dec 30, 2018
Daddy and Gretel | Dec 30, 2018
anonymous | Dec 21, 2018