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May 26-Jun 01

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A diamond’s 4 C’s speak to the four fundamental segments of its magnificence and structure: Cut, Color, Clarity and Carat. When taking a gander at a diamond, the eye sees an adjust of its qualities and segments, including, however not restricted to, the 4 C’s.

Every one of the C’s are reviewed on a scale, and can be assessed for quality. Despite the fact that some widespread wording and standard evaluating exists, it varies by lab substance. The most steady elements—and the ones we prescribe picking up a testament from—are the GIA and the AGS.

Gradings of the 4 C’s assistance decide the estimation of a diamond and demonstrate its quality. Diamond dealers regularly set their costs in light of evaluating reports. Knowing the nuts and bolts of these gradings is useful when contrasting two comparative diamonds, however what stays most critical is the manner by which the diamond appears to the stripped eye—and how alluring the diamond is by and large. In this sense, having a foundational comprehension of the 4 C’s is basic as a purchaser, with the goal that you can abstain from spending your financial plan on a segment that will go unnoticed.


Diamond Cut particularly alludes to the nature of a diamond’s points, extents, symmetrical aspects, splendor, fire, glimmer and completing subtle elements. These components specifically affect a diamond’s capacity to shimmer, alongside its general tasteful interest.

The GIA grades Diamond Cut on the size of Ideal, Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair and Poor. The Ideal and Excellent evaluations, contingent upon Diamond Shape, connote extents and points cut for greatest splendor and fire.

How Light reflects through a diamond

Cuts differ essentially among diamonds and diamond cutters. On occasion, a shaper may go for greatest Carat weight, departing the diamond too profound or excessively shallow for ideal light reflection. Different circumstances a diamond might be sliced to limit the quantity of incorporations, enhancing its Clarity, yet renouncing greatest shimmer. Indeed, even an Ideal cut diamond may have a yellow tint that is excessively recognizable and cheapens the jewel’s magnificence.

All the more imperatively, however, is guaranteeing Cut is a point of convergence of your diamond choice. Indeed, even an unblemished 2 Carat Diamond without any imperfections or shading tinting can be dull if it’s not cut extraordinarily well. Cut is the greatest marker of excellence, and ought to be made need over the other C’s. For instance, this 1.50 Carat Round Brilliant is reviewed well for every “C” except does not have a vivacious shimmer.

It’s fundamental to take note of that a best grade assignment, as Excellent, doesn’t really show an exceptional diamond cut. Right around 55% of all diamonds sold online are Excellent cuts. Some are dazzling, while others are average. A case of a wonderful Excellent cut diamond is this 1.5 Carat Round Brilliant from James Allen.

Since Cut is so essential to a diamond’s central excellence, it’s critical to survey a diamond’s Cut deliberately and request the eye of a specialist.


Diamond Color is reviewed as far as how white or lackluster a diamond is. The GIA grades diamonds from D to Z, with D being the most dull, and Z containing perceptible dark colored or yellow tint.

The evaluating of diamonds normally mirrors these evaluations—now and again altogether. As a rule, the exposed eye can’t differentiate between two neighboring shading evaluated diamonds, however the value distinction might be critical.

The most basic viewpoint with Color is to decide whether it seems dreary in connection to its setting. You likewise need to be sure that a diamond is clear of any tinting that takes away or meddles with white and shaded light reflections. The K Color in this Cushion Cut Diamond, for instance, diverts from the radiance of the diamond while this I Color Diamond is brilliant.

Brightness, or shimmer, is made from the way the diamond is cut. It isn’t favorable to buy a diamond that diverts from this essential main trademark.

As a general suggestion, survey every diamond intently and request the help of a specialist. This is the most ideal approach to guarantee you’re not paying for an element (i.e. too high of Color review) that will go unnoticed, or buying a diamond that occupies or meddles with light reflection.

Note: Certain hued diamonds are esteemed stones, similar to a favor pink or green diamond. Shading grades for these diamonds are particularly not quite the same as conventional “white” diamonds.


A Diamond’s Clarity review assesses how clean a diamond is from the two incorporations and flaws. Clearness is reviewed by the GIA on the accompanying scale:

FL (Flawless)

On the off chance that (Internally Flawless)

VVS1 (Very, Very Slightly Included 1)

VVS2 (Very, Very Slightly Included 2)

VS1 (Very Slightly Included 1)

VS2 (Very Slightly Included 2)

SI1 (Slightly Included 1)

SI2 (Slightly Included 2)

I1 (Inclusions 1)

I2 (Inclusions 2)

Contingent upon the size, area and haziness of flaws and considerations, these defects can meddle with light as it goes through the diamond. At the point when this happens, the splendor and excellence of the diamond is dulled, detracting from the astounding Cut.

For Clarity, our essential proposal is to guarantee the diamond is eye clean, and that considerations are not meddling with light reflection.

Audit the stone to check whether it is eye clean and request affirmation from a specialist. A declaration alone won’t disclose to you how a diamond’s imperfections will affect the stone’s appearance and splendor.


Frequently when individuals hear the expression “Carat Weight,” they think it alludes to the span of the diamond. In fact, Carat alludes to the heaviness of the diamond, not how huge the stone is. A 1 Carat Diamond approaches 200 milligrams, or 0.2 grams—and weighs about the same as a fourth of a raisin. Contingent upon the Diamond’s Shape and how it is cut, two 1 Carat Diamonds may be very unique in measure.

While Carat weight is a component to consider when purchasing a diamond, the general appearance and splendor should convey more significance. For instance, an unremarkable 1.5 Carat diamond won’t sparkle as brilliantly—or draw as much consideration—as a staggering 1.0 Carat diamond, regardless of the amount more it weighs.


Every one of the 4 C’s add to the general magnificence of a diamond and make each stone one of a kind. A Diamond, be that as it may, ought to be seen as a natural entirety. Since the eye experiences issues separating one part without anyone else, for example, Clarity or Color, it is imperative to consider how the 4 C’s effect each other.

To assess a diamond utilizing the 4 C’s, think about the accompanying:

Cut: Make Cut an essential concentration amid your inquiry, as it is the “C” which most promptly impacts a diamond’s wonder. Search for large amounts of splendor and fire, and diminish your spending in different territories like Clarity or Color to guarantee a remarkable Cut.

Shading: A diamond should look white or drab to the stripped eye. Guarantee the Color does not divert or meddle with white and shaded light reflection.

Lucidity: Choose a diamond that is eye clean. Imperfections and incorporations ought not divert from the splendor or fire of a diamond.

Carat: Consider what is vital for you and the one you adore, however recall that splendor and magnificence will surpass unimportant weight every single time. Be available to bringing down your Carat weight to guarantee you buy a staggering diamond.

On account of these basics, recollect that a diamond is a valuable entire, and ought to be taken a gander at in totality.

In case you’re uncertain how to assess a diamond, and need to buy an uncommon diamond that is inside your financial plan, get in touch with one of our specialists for help.  Try Northwest Diamonds & Jewelry

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