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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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Hello My Sweet Friends, 

I’ve decided that this  will be my last journal entry that I will be sharing with all of You!! This is a bittersweet moment for me ! I will miss seeing a lot of your comments & encouraging words ! This has been a great way for me to keep you all informed about Nevin’s  journey  & outcome ! We are ever so grateful for each & everyone of You that have followed along with us & have prayed for us in this season of our life! I wish you all the very best & May God bless you & your families!  We all went thru hell , but I know  & believe that  God WILL use it ALL for His glory and we are ever so grateful that He has  RESCUED us  from that pit of hell ! I can’t Praise  & Thank  Him enough for that! 

I want to leave you with a few things : 

The verse that I was looking @ this morning was Philippians 4:19 “ And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus “

This promise in God’s Word is one that has kept coming back to me over & over in seasons of need. I have faced all kinds of needs & I’m sure you have too . Sometimes it’s related to capacity I’m all out of energy , and I can’t manufacture anymore , yet the day still lies ahead of me , needing me to fully dial in . Other times it’s financial, & I’ve wondered how in the World our family was going to fill the space between what we have & what we need ! What I love about this passage in Philippians is that it helps us remember that God is the One who can fill in all those gaps . He meets “All of our needs . NOT SOME .!! ALL!!!   It still floors me to know that His provision for us goes that far - to all the places . 
I also find solace in this verse because it reminds me of all the times God has provided for people in the Bible , which gives me the Hope I need to keep trusting that He’ll show up for me in my moments of need . I think of how God provided for Paul through the giving of the church , and how He even provided for Jesus through the giving of some faithful women.( Luke 8:3) I think of when Nehemiah needed supplies to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and how the Lord gave him all the timber from the forest of a pagan king who didn’t even know God & a royal escort from that kings army so Nehemiah would remain safe in the journey.( Nehemiah 2:4-9) I think of Tamar being thirsty in the wilderness, and how God provided a well for her to drink from.( Genesis 21:19) I think of how Elijah helped a widow who had little or no food , and how God kept her oil & flour in full supply ( 1 Kings 17:13-15) I think of Bezalel, who was tasked with making the tabernacle beautiful , and how God provided the creativity and craftsmanship & skill He needed to “ Make artistic designs.” ( Exodus 35:30-33) I think of when Joshua needed more time in battle , and how the Lord answered his call & provided more daylight by making the sun stand still. ( Joshua  10:12-14) When I think of all of these people what a wide array of needs, & God provided for them ALL!  
Over & Over & Over again in the Bible , we see the promise of this verse hold true, but when I look back on my own life , I see this  promise true as well !🙂 I can tell story after story of how God provided for me personally, for my kids , for my job , for my church & my family! A friend of mine practices this remembrance of God’s Provision daily. She writes 1 or 2 words to remind her of these kinds of stories on rocks & places them in a bowl in her living room . On days she is struggling to believe the Lord will provide , she goes & picks up a rock that pricks her memory of past provision to give her faith that God will provide again , in one way or another . I don’t know the Gaps you need God to fill today in your time , abilities, or resources , but together we can trust Him for whatever we need , believing that somehow , in ways we might expect (or not expect!) He’ll  come through for us ! 

Prayer for all of us : 

Father , 

You know exactly what our needs our today . We lay it ALL out before You right now , and trust that in Your own time & in Your own way ! You will provide ! 

I want you to take some time & listen to this song by Ellie Holcomb entitled “ I will carry you through ! It’s a beautiful song ! 
So whatever you are going through I want you to know that God will carry you through when you don’t  think that you have the strength too!😊

Lastly I want to share this little tidbit with all of you that  I read this morning!!


Romans 10:10 “ For it is by believing in His heart that a man becomes right with God ; and with His  mouths He tells others of His faith , Confirming  His salvation.

Having Faith in the Lord means to choose to believe in who He is with our hearts  . When He proclaims Himself the Creator of Heaven & Earth !! You agree ! When God says Jesus is His Son whose death Paid the Price  for Our sins , we  accept His Word as Truth!! When the Lord promises to PROTECT, RESTORE , HEAL, AND SUSTAIN US , WE TRUST IN HIM! And when He offers us access to His WISDOM , PEACE, AND JOY,  we can be CONFIDENT in them . These choices make us right with God . When we have certainty in who God is & what He can do, Our mouths will speak it ! Our words will reflect the Faith that we have that the Lord will come through once again ! We’ll discover countless opportunities to tell others about the way God moved in our lives ! And the Power of Our testimonies will reveal the saving relationship that we have with Him! I’m choosing for God to be the Air that I breathe each & every day !! 🥰
Father , 

We do Believe in who You are, & we trust in what You say. Give us the Confidence & the Opportunities to share our Faith with those around us . Let us be a light that shines brightly for You ! In Jesus’s Name Amen !  

“ What Faith Can do “  Kutless 

“Scars “ I am they 

“The Healing “  Blanca & Dante Bowe  

“ Do it again “ Elevation

“ Evidence “ Josh Baldwin 

“ Air I breathe “ Mat Kearney 

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