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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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New Day,
      After completing my Chemo Infusions, surgery, and my CT Scan I have received my first results from my Oncologist and Surgical Oncologist. Both have given me good results at this time. The only thing of interest is one swollen Lymph Node in my abdomen. I saw Dr. D at Ann Arbor and she let me know that I will be seeing her for my next CT Scan in August.  Dr. Frankel spoke with me on a Video Connect and let Connie and I know that we are doing good. He let me know that his plan is to see me in August when I have my CT Scan, and Blood Work (all of which is doing fine at this time). 
       Awaiting results of my CT Scan was a little stressful. The results gave us more hope. We have more of these trips to go. My new look is with my hair returning. Salt and Pepper is the new look of the day. I now have a goatee and a small mustache. My weight is maintaining between 194 to 199 pounds each day. My worse side effect consists of neuropathy to the legs, feet, and arms from the elbows to the finger tips. I still have weakness but my endurance is improving. I am working daily on items around the house, yard, garage, and repairs. I now have most of my ability to taste foods. I still do not care for sweets that much. I must admit Mrs. Smiths Cherry Pies are now my favorite sweets. My eating ability is pretty normal now. I can eat about as much as anybody else. I still have quite a bit of dizziness. Looking down causes most of the dizziness. I learned I do better not wearing shoes and socks. My feet are more comfortable that way. I also wear cotton clothes it makes me have less discomfort from the neuropathy. Each day is more enjoyable for me. I find that I am more comfortable being at home with Connie. She has been so good to me and this experience has made me Love and Appreciate Connie so much more. 
     Our stay in Ann Arbor is shorter now. We stay one night then the next day we have all our appointments by 12 pm. Then head back to Indiana. Our next trip is to have my port cleaned and to see a Dermatologist. My Oncologist wants to have my skin (moles) checked to make sure I am ok. We saw a lady we knew while we were there. She shared that things are not going well with her husband. I am one of the fortunate ones at  this time. I have a friend that is being treated in Ann Arbor. He is terminal with cancer. He is a younger guy and has a great personality. He is hoping God will let him live to see his new granddaughter. She is due to be born December 23. He is starting to get much weaker and his lack of ability to taste is causing difficulty. Some how I took him to heart. I want to see him soon while I can.
     My hair is growing back. I told Connie today I want my Cousins daughter to give me a hair cut. Connie doesn't think its long enough yet. I did till my garden and planted flowers in the flower beds that we reworked and mulched. All are doing and looking good. I will be getting a new wardrobe this fall. I think my weight has stabilized. Now I have to make sure that I am not gaining too much.
     Lastly a verse to live by. Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will direct your path.  (Proverbs 3: 5-6).

By His Grace Until that Day Nate and Connie

What friends we have in Jesus!

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