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Apr 28-May 04

Week of Apr 28-May 04

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Moving forward in this journey has been a whirlwind of emotions, not a single day is the same, yet they all seem to blend in together. I made a cut throat decision and decided to cut 8 inches off of my hair, which doesn't seem monumental until I realized I haven't cut my hair this short since middle school. I did find out that more than likely from the chemo treatments that I am and will be receiving, that I will soon experience hair loss. It might sound stupid in the whole scheme of things, but losing my hair isn't going to be easy for me and it is a part of this journey that I was hoping I could avoid. Hair adds to a woman's femininity and honestly it feels like part of that is being taken away from me in a sense, but I know that it will grow back and possibly look better than ever after. Fun fact, many times when people lose their hair during treatments it grows back differently than how it looked before, so we'll see what I am stuck with :) 
I received some great news from my doctor last week that the newest scans that they had performed actually showed some progress already and shrinkage in the tumor itself. Although loving to hear the amazing news and in awe at all of the prayers, love and support coming my way, you still have the hard days and sometimes feel down no matter what anyone says or does. There is so much going on within my body and so many different changes that I am supposed to adapt to, or accept and sometimes it is all just so overwhelming. No one prepares you for any of this, I was just going along with my day to day life, living in college with all of my roommates and friends and all of a sudden one day that changes and everything is kind of just pulled out from underneath me. Cancer is bitch and it doesn't care who you are, how old you are, your hopes and dreams, or what you want, some people like to say that they think of how unfair it is that it happened to me and sometimes in my moments of weakness I agree. It is a constant struggle for me to try and find the good in all of this or take it as a lesson from God, because there are certain days where I myself question, "why me?"
However that being said my treatment plan has been going extremely well so far and I have yet to get sick from the medicines that I have been given. There was a little bit of a hiccup with one of the medicines giving me an allergic reaction where I noticed my breathing was affected and my throat got really itchy, but the treatment was stopped and I received the proper care to help counteract my reaction. I mostly right now am just looking forward to being back home and hanging out with my family in a space that I am comfortable in. As much as I love the doctors and the care that I am receiving laying in a hospital bed isn't the most exciting thing ever and it is hard to be away from home for that long. Hopefully things continue to move positively and the treatments have very mild affects on my body, other than that I am doing well and I appreciate all the love and support that is being sent my way. Not a day goes by that I am not grateful for the love and warm wishes that I have received.

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