Help Millie Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Millie’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 26 donors who have made a donation in honor of Millie.

So grateful for keeping us all up to date on this journey! You are all amazing!
Sharon Johe | Feb 18, 2022
Following closely and praying regularly.
Tim and Esther Brumit | Feb 10, 2022
Susan Donegan | Jan 24, 2022
I do appreciate having the Caring Bridge being available for personal updates on Millie and your family. We have grown t love those in Margaret's family and we share the anxiety and concern along with you. We will keep praying for all of you.
Larry and Mary Baker | Jan 7, 2022
Cheering for Millie and family.
Great Aunt Jolene | Dec 25, 2021
You are all doing a beautiful job of taking care of each other. Merry Christmas!
Aunt Noelie and Uncle Ed Angevine | Dec 24, 2021
6 Beautiful people your love and your faith are your strength Love Uncle Charlie
Charles W. Koch | Dec 14, 2021
Thinking and praying for you all!
Ross, Ruth Anne, Gabriel and Sophia Hunt | Nov 2, 2021
Anonymous | Oct 15, 2021
Grateful to be able to follow little Millie's story and progress here on Caringbridge. Sending all our love and our prayers for recovery from our family to Millie's
Dachs Family | Oct 8, 2021