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Apr 14-20

Week of Apr 14-20

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So its officially been a month in our "clean" home. We unforutnely couldn't afford the proper test to see if it was truly safe. So we continue to hope for the best. We got rid of almost everything we owned. We only have about 8 totes that are in storage. 2 are a mess of papers that I didnt have the engery to try to sort. Paper holds the most toxins from mold along with fabric. For those closer to wardrobe is now literally 5 shirts and 3 pairs of pants...yupp. Heartwrenching for this clothing queen..BUT I will say that in the end all those clothes brought were memories of pain and suffering after a few years of being in agony wearing clothes. Especially this past year. Trying and buying so many different outfits in hope of having at least 1 outfit that didnt make me want to rip my skin off was wishful thinking. So farewell I said and found them new loving homes. I should add we had to get rid of practically everything we owned because of possible contamination. Properly cleaning the stuff is very costly and in the end its "easier" to buy new and basically hope for the best. Just because its new doesnt mean its not contaminated. Even the few items we have in totes may have to be desposed of. We have to wait a few years for my body to heal and then try to properly remediate the stuff. Basically I hang around an item and smell it a bit and see if its "clean". If not, buh-bye goes all my memories and our favorite festie gear😭 that time around im sure I'll be ready to let it go if need be. I never want to be sick like this again.

Some freaking FABULOUS news guys! Ive started healing!!! Within 3 days of being in our new home. My skin healed about 80%. (The body is a wild thang!!) It was finally soft for the first time in over 19 months!! Bad news. I learned my job was VERY moldy (side note: just because you cant see it does mean its not there) and I went through an awful flare. I worked there after moving for 1 1/2 weeks. Because I had a small break that was one of the hardest flares. My body went into hyperdrive attacking itself. I was starting to lose my strength. I took a couple week break while my company found me a new group home to try and I had a lot of exposure from finishing up cleaning our old house. It did get slightly less painful the more weeks in a row I was exposed. My skin is still healing rapidly but still very delicate, flaky and itchy. I had a big setback but wellness is finally on its way! EXCITING NEWS GUYS. I was able to put on a face oil today for  the first time in two years without it irritating and burning 😭🙏 (I'm gonna conquer this fucking elephant skin syndrome around my eyes) <--- manifesting, HARD. Feel free to manifest that with me and fuel my ego in wanting a better appearance. 😉😂

Update on my fillings. Ironically my most expensive one that needed a crown, broke and forced me to get the amalgam filling removed sooner than later. My next appointment is the 25th to get the last one removed. 

After my appointment. I can finally start safely detoxing the mold... It can go one of two can either be a cake walk or it will be another living hell detoxing it. Im praying for it to be an easier journey and id appreciate so much love and focus on it being an easy journey, if you could please pray💖

I also realized after my last post I forgot to mention my insomnia this journey has brought. Basically I didnt sleep this whole past year. 1-2 hours if I was lucky and on a VERY once every 3 months I'd sleep like 4-5 hours in a row during the day. I learned my body has too much dopamine. Meaning I run on adrenaline all the time. This is because im in a heightened state of "fight or flight" mode 24/7. I ironically this fall decided that it was a blessing. I would have never had the energy to work 1 and especially 2 full time jobs like I did if it weren't for that adrenaline. More often than not our "curses" are actually blessings. 

As this year ends, I feel lighter than I ever have in my whole life. The way this journey made me reshape every bit of myself inside and out taught me how to heal and be okay with what is, moment to moment. I learned the ultimate power of letting go. Letting go of my appearance. Material things. Sentimental things. Food. Dreams. Plans. CLEANING. (Imma clean freak...that was impossible for me to stop...but I cut down A LOT) I have to leave behind my ways of "creating a healthier earth" that I worked so damn hard for. Accepting I have to be "wasteful" in order to protect and heal my body. 😵 Learning to be stronger when people judged you for your appearance and finding resilience everyday to speak my truth.

I truly learned, when you heal yourself, you heal the world. 

The connections I made with hundreds of chronically ill people and help start a world of beautiful healing on their our horrendous journey... Wow guys I wish you could have seen the transformations. Just by suggesting one small piece of what ive learned through my own healing was WORTH all my own sufferings. Pain is the greatest teacher. You can succumb or learn how to overcome her. When you start educating yourself you'll find that people are sent your way needing exactly what you just learned. Then you, my dear, become the teacher. What a beautiful oppurtunity we have as humans. My regulars at the farmers market shop healed throughout the year with my BASIC guidance. FOR FREE. 

That. THAT is why I was put on this earth. With so many excruciating journeys. My passion is to help others heal in a free or cheap way. After a lifetime of insane medical debt from Mayo Clinic and terrible side effects. I never want anyone to feel as lost and hopeless as I did in their 21 years of "care". 

Pain is the greatest teacher. 

And boy am I GRATEFUL for this mold posioning journey. 🙏🌱

Namaste, my friends💖

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