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Apr 28-May 04

Week of Apr 28-May 04

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Greetings and Happy Holidays to you all! 

We hope you have stayed safe and healthy throughout this strange year of Covid 19.

“WE’RE BA-ACK!”  It’s been over a year since I’ve sent an update and lots of good things have come our way.    I’ve attached a few photos I hope you enjoy.

First and most exciting – Mick is actually walking with a walker now!!(See photo) He is new at this so he is assisted by the physical therapist or our home caregiver by his side while I bring up the rear with his wheelchair, just in case he needs it.  How did that come to pass, you say?

One reason is Mick’s determination to leave his wheelchair behind some day.  He has continued his Physical Therapy (PT) with a vengeance going twice a week.  When the Covid lockdown began in March, PT shut down of course.  But when he returned to it, he was twice as strong as he was when it closed.

The second reason is our caregiver, Roxanne.  We hired her in March just before the lockdown and she has been an absolute game-changer for Mick and for me.  Every weekday morning, Roxanne brings her wonderful energy, skill and sense of humor to our door.  She spends 3 very full hours, helping Mick get ready for his day and assisting me with household chores.  She also helps Mick with an hour of exercise each day.  She’s so encouraging, noticing and recording each improvement Mick makes.  She can banter with him with the best of them – I hear them talking and laughing together every day.

The combination of Mick’s determination and Roxanne’s exercise fervor has resulted in Mick’s ability to walk with the walker 50 yards at a time.   And all three of us are THRILLED!

Another game-changer is our 2015 Honda Odyssey wheelchair van which joined the family in the fall of 2019.  She’s a beautiful blue and she goes by Sapphire.  She is fully equipped with a side door ramp, a removable passenger seat and a “Quick Lock” mechanism that allows Mick to drive into a lock that holds his wheelchair in place right next to me. (Keeps the back seat driving down to a minimum!😏 )  We really enjoy the freedom she gives us to travel together around town and someday, when it is safe to travel farther, around the country.  A million thanks to all of you who donated to our Go Fund Me campaign.  We couldn't have purchased this van without your support.  

Our son, Matt, has always shown us so much love and support.  But since Mick’s injury, he has been especially generous with his time.  He willingly takes care of major repairs around the house and maintenance duties on vehicles that used to be Mick’s jobs.  He also helps with Mick’s care.  Last summer, he partnered with our caregiver and took the night shift for 2 nights, enabling me to have a weekend respite visiting my family on the east side of the state and attending an outdoor wedding shower for my niece.  It was such a gift to me and when I texted him my gratitude, he responded with “Any time.”  This new normal certainly has affected him too. And he has shown his wonderful true colors in his response.  We are so lucky that he lives and works right here near us. 

I continue to earn “merit badges” for taking over small repair jobs around the house. I’ve learned to charge a car battery, fix the lighting over my art table and replace the refrigerator water filter.  I’ve also learned to cook “diabetic style,” since Mick was diagnosed earlier this year.   He has gotten his sugar under control though and has lost 15 pounds!

Zoom has been a godsend!  It regularly connects us to the Mullally clan and has allowed me to continue painting with my painting pals, reading great books with my book club members and most recently, has reconnected me to the great gals I lived with at Western Michigan University back in the day.  We stay connected to our church family via live-streamed services.   This modern technology has made the Covid-19 lock down so much easier to navigate.

In January, Mick will be entering artwork into a member show at the Krasl Art Center in St. Joseph, near us. He completed this bright red 5’ x 4’ x 3’ playful steel sculpture ( see photo) literally the day before his back surgery that changed our lives in November of 2018.  He titled it with a Haiku poem, but I just call it “Max” for short.   It has lived on our front lawn since then.  It will be a thrill to share it with the community soon.

Another piece of good news to share – my sister Betsy, who had a stroke in the summer of 2019, is back to her strong, sassy self.  She returned to work late last fall and is adjusting to the changes to her eyesight from the stroke.  She is such a blessing to all of us and we are very thankful that she has healed so well.

Speaking of blessings – YOU are truly one of them.  We can feel your love and support.  Your prayers are really working as we witness Mick’s progress daily and God’s love and guidance all the time.  Please keep them coming.  We hope you are well and staying safe.  We send our sincere thanks and our boundless love to you all.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah – enjoy your holidays!

Barb and Mick


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