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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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Today was the day, Taxol 12/12 is done! Please see the attached picture of me ringing the crud outta that bell! My sweetheart went with me today. I’ve always joked with John that I didn’t believe in soulmates but now I can’t say that anymore. I am in awe of how he has handled this with grace, positivity and empathy. He’s been my light through it all. 

I am so excited to move past this chapter in my life but am unbelievably grateful. I am grateful for this experience because it has shown me how lucky and loved I am. My friends, neighbors and family have supported me in ways I will never forget. They have brought and sent endless meals for months, helped immensely with the kids (I’m looking at you roommate Ma and Mom & Dad B), sent flowers and cards, added to my plant collection, prayed for me, cleaned my house, drove all the way across town to drop things on my porch, let me cry on them when I needed to, came with me to chemo every single time, anxiously awaited test results, sent surgery recovery supplies, wept tears of joy, kept me company at so many appointments, constantly checked on me, changed entire work schedules so they could be there if needed, asked how I was feeling and what they could do, sent snuggly clothes for comfort, shared their cancer journeys with me, told me it was going to be ok when I was scared s&$@less, sent amazingly thoughtful gift baskets/bags with hand-picked items, knitted blankets to keep me warm, sent insanely generous gift cards, just sat with me, kept the jokes going, and everything in between. I am surrounded by absolutely incredible people, near and far. Some of which I haven’t even seen in years! I could never list everything that you all have done for me and my family, I would be here for a week. I will never forget the encouragement and love you have shown me. THANK YOU. 

We talked with the oncologist today. I had him reiterate what he said in the beginning about the cure rate. He said that after I am done with the Herceptin (the immune therapy drug), the cure rate is 97%. 97%!!!!! My doctors have been incredible as well. I owe them my life, quiet literally. Previous to Herceptin, HER2+ patients were given five years at best. I start with the Herceptin on its own next Monday but I’m hoping that won’t have too many side effects. I’ll be going every three weeks on Mondays. 

Here’s to moving forward and to good health! Love you all and thank you for being here. 

❤️ Michelle/Shelly

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