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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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Hi everyone I am writing to ask for a lot more prayers for Michael because after what he went through today I’m praying he does not have to go back in for more biopsies at this hospital that we were at today.  Yes it was an Adult Med hospital.  I will not name it.  I just know that I won’t take him there anymore.  It was not a hospital near by.

When I set this biopsy appointment up for Michael the woman stated that they would be placing an IV and giving him Fentanyl and Vercet.  She also said that I would be able to go back with him to comfort him while they do it.

Well the Nurse that brought us back to go over what was being done started with, “Um they have in here that we would place an IV - we don’t do that for these.  It also says that he’s scared of needles so we wouldn’t want to do that to him.”  I said, “What?!”  I said Michael has been transfusion dependent his whole life and has gone through a Bone Marrow Transplant so no - Michael is not afraid of needles!  Then I said, “The woman on the phone said you would place an IV and give him Fentanyl for pain and Vercet to try and keep him calm.” The Nurse replied with, “We don’t do that here.  Then she went on to say that the paperwork said to do lab work and she said we don’t do that either.  I was thinking to myself - oh this is not good!  Another nightmare scenario for Michael. 👿

They took Michael back.  I was not allowed to go with him.  I have always been there for him.  Just in case he needed me but I was not today.  I let Michael down today and this hospital let both of us down today!

They placed me in a hallway a distance away from Michael while he was going through this procedure.  It wasn’t five minutes later that I heard blood curdling screams coming from my sweet boy.   🥺. He was loud.  I’m sure a lot of people heard him.  I got up and walked towards the area he was at and told this young lady that that was my son in there screaming his head off!  She said something to me to try and appease me but it didn’t work.  I went back to where I was sitting and all of a sudden I heard more blood curdling screams and crying off and on for over ten minutes.  I knew I had to be strong.  I knew I could not go bust in the room because this Doctor was cutting him and then sticking a needle in and moving it however many times he needed to get the biopsies that he needed to send off.  So I had to sit there and hear my baby scream for almost fifteen minutes.  All I could do was continue to text Jim and Jimmy and tell them he’s screaming.  Now he’s screaming and crying - over and over again.  It was torturous.

This not so friendly Doctor came out when he was done and boy did he feel bad!  He barely listened to me when he came over to explain what he was going to do before the procedure.  Now he was upset about Michael.  He said, “If he needs to get more biopsies tell whoever is doing them that he needs Fentanyl and Vercet”.  I felt like saying, “Ya think?!”  Uh!!!!!  I told him you were supposed to give it to him but the Nurse said you don’t do that.  Plus she was saying to me, “Oh it’s shallow so he should have no problem.”  She was wrong.  They were not shallow!

While the Doctor was feeling bad and talking to me Michael came out.  My poor boy came out and announced to everyone present, “I hate you all!”  Then he came over to me red eyed, all boogie faced under his mask and crying and placed his sweet head down on my chest.  I told him I was so sorry.  I just kept saying it to him.  I let my baby down.  😞   I didn’t protect him:(.

As I was standing up I told the Doctor if he needs more biopsies I will take him to DuPont.  I said, “They will knock him out for this.  Not do what was done to him today!”

After all that talk I asked the Doctor if he got good biopsies and he said, “Yes, I told you they were near blood vessels so I had to be very careful and with him moving I had to be extra careful.  I pray to God they did.  Michael was done at a different hospital because the breast surgeon was from a different hospital.

While we wait for all of the testing Michael needs to get done for this I was researching what labs would be affected if Michael was to have Lymphoma.  One that came up was his Ferritin level.  Michael and I are going down to DuPont tomorrow very early for that exact reason.  He is having a special MRI done to measure the amount of iron stored in his liver.  Michael’s ferritin count has been rising since January of 2023.  It was at 117 the beginning of January last year and as of January, 2024 he is up to 426!  Michael has not been transfused.  There is no blood adding iron stores to his system.  This worries me on top of the breast surgeons note.  If he has had cancer since last January and it has just continued to grow I’m going to be very upset.  I can hear Drew saying, “I’m in God’s hands Mom.”  He is right.  The good Lord has Michael.  I cannot change anything.  Only He can.  He is in his hands but what I can do is to ask all of you to please pray extra hard for Michael.  He needs all the prayers he can get especially after what he went through today. 🥺

I do not know when the results will be back.  I will update once I get them.  I cannot thank you all enough.  All these years.  For both Michael and Andrew.  We are so very grateful.  Truly. 

May God bless you all and may He help all that are suffering.

Many Blessings,

Donna  🥺🙏🧡

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