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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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My Cancer Journey Started on May 27,2019 When I went in for a routine Hearing test with my E.N.T. Doctor, I passed for the hearing test clear as Day. He did a exam on my thyroid and felt a nodule on my right side of thyroid. I had an impression I needed to follow up with my primary care doctor to make tis appointment happen. Thom Douthit a P.A. at the E.N.T. office said we need to have an ultrasound to be for sure. This happened on June 4, 2019 at Intermountain Imaging Center TAO was great, She did both sides of the thyroid, Which means you switch sides every 2 minutes or so for 30 minutes. She found something on the Left side, in which she said it was abnormally shaped. When I heard these words I knew at that point I had Cancer, How big or what kind I didn't know. The results were in 1.0 cm on the right and 2.4 cm on the left side of my thyroid. To be sure it is cancer we have to schedule a biopsy. I did this on 6-7-19 at the same place. on the right side as they numbed me up wasn't so bad, the left however was painful, They only had to do it one time on each side. I then got the call from Thom himself on 6-10-19 he said I have thyroid Cancer. This is not the first time hearing Cancer. I am a non-Hodgkins lymphoma survivor stage 3 which happened 14 years ago this October.  My E.N.T. Doctor's nurse called me to schedule an appointment on June 25,2019 at 8:00 am. I went and picked up my medical records after getting a blessing from some Brethren in my Ward. They know who they are. I am grateful for them in my life. I found out I have papillary thyroid Cancer, which is one of the 2 thyroid cancers that is treatable and curable. After the meeting with Dr. Rustad I scheduled surgery for 10-3-2019 at 10:45 am to have a full Thyroidectomy. (take the whole thing out). My father had Thyroid Cancer at 48. Which concerned me a great deal becasue of the similiar age bracket , Is this hereditary and the answer is no. My Father had a Huerle Thyroid Cancer, Part of the other good one to get is Follicular, His is 3-5 percent of all thyroid cancers, which is rare to have his kind. He is almost 72 years old. thyroid Cancer happens, the good thing is most of them stick to the thyroid and don't spread to other tissues. When they take my full thyroid out, they will test the whole thing for cancer if there is not then no radiation Iodine pill. This is what I am hoping for. They gave me three options take half now, and if they is cancer in the other side later on its a second surgery. Take the full thyroid out. 3. Was to watch and wait for an endocrinologist to monitor me for decades then take it out before  it gets to 4.0 cm. I opted for the full thing to be taken out. Mine hasn't worked on its own for 14 years, I talked with my parents and friends about my decision. I prayed about it and felt that taking the full thing out is my best option, less doctor visits, less cost to me. I am in the process of finding a surgeon to take it out sooner, I have time off from work, One possibility is temporary or permanent loss of my voice box. It is not like open heart surgery, the space is small, The thyroid is not that far under your skin. They will use a natural line in my neck to cut into to take it out. I can't lift more than 7 lbs for two weeks, or stoop or bend. This means no unloading the full medication order at work by myself. I may just have to purge old documents at work time will tell. I have lots of support from home, Church, and work. I will have stitches to close the incision and durabond superglue basically dyed blue or purple to close the outside. I took on 9 credits this summer in the midst of all this. I had to withdraw from them, I do get night sweats, tired, and lost weight.  If any of you have questions let me know

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