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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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Well, today is the day I've been waiting for since mid-December. I went to meet with my Oncologist after getting both a MRI & CT scan done this weekend. He looked over the scans and gave me the nod that I am now cancer-free. There are no words to describe what an incredible relief hearing that was. The combination of a very successful surgery resulting in clean margins, coupled with radiation treatments to clean up the area has removed all signs of cancer cells. The CT verified that no cells traveled to other areas of my body.  We asked the likelihood of reoccurrence (cancer coming back to that area) and the result was, and I quote, "very very very slim." There is a 90% chance that everything will remain as is and I won't have to deal with this again. As a gambling man I'll take those odds all day. I've also been released of all restrictions, which is unfortunate because I no longer have an excuse to get out of lifting heavy things around the house. 

The road to recovery is still long and I'm working everyday on it. I'll begin outpatient physical therapy to help me get back to walking normal again, that's a work in progress. I'm even thinking of picking up the golf clubs here soon and giving it a try. The foot continues to heal and will slowly get better over the course of the next year, as will the skin graft on my left arm. 

I can't even begin to thank everyone enough for their support through all of this. While I tried my best to keep a positive mindset and focus on the good and the facts, there were still some trouble spots from time to time. I could not have done this without my two rocks, my wife Allyson and my Mom. Poor Ally has had to put up with me through it all. We joke that she's earned an honorary nursing degree based on the amount of care she had to provide. Mom was always a steady shoulder to be there for me to listen when I had fears and comfort through pain. I owe them and my entire family so much for all of their help. I want to thank my incredible care team including Dr. Matt Steensma (Surgical Oncology), Dr. Steve Naum (Plastic Surgeon) and Dr. Matt Packard (Radiation) for their guidance and skills through multiple surgeries and recovery. I worked with some incredible nurses, radiation technicians, physical and occupation therapists and so many others at both hospital and home. Thank you to my friend and fellow GVSU MHA Alum Tim Scholten (Nurse Manager) for providing a friendly face on the recovery floor and for helping me get items to make the recovery process easier after discharge. Thank you to our wonderful friends, neighbors, co-workers and everyone who chipped in to bring us meals or help out when I was out of commission. Thank you to my Dad for his support and for being my bad TV buddy, my brother Mark, his girlfriend Kristina, and my extended family: Mary, Steve, Beth-Anne, Jessica, Jonathan, Todd, Aaron for providing support and encouragement. 

Lastly a special thank you to two very important people in my life. Thank you to my good friend Brad, for helping my business stay afloat while I was out, being a wonderful support for Allyson and I, and willing to drop anything to help in any way. I couldn't be where I'm at today and the business wouldn't be as successful as it is without you, homie. Finally, my friend Jonathan Smith, who just a few years ago had triumphed in his own cancer journey. Jonathan, I can never express how important those phone calls and conversations were to help me stay positive, get through the tough times and just be able to speak to someone who went through this journey. I owe you the world my brother, thank you.

Thank you to everyone who wrote, commented, DM'd, prayed, sent positive vibes and everything else you did. Your support means so much to me. No one should have to fight alone, and I felt with the army of people at my side cancer stood no chance. Thank you....thank you, from the bottom of my heart. 

With all due respect I hope this is the last entry to this blog. I'm looking forward to starting the next chapter of my life with a fresh perspective. Thank you for taking the time to read and being a part of my journey. I'm ever so grateful to say it's time to close the book and move on...

With much love and #positivevibes,


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