Help Michael Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Michael’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 19 donors who have made a donation in honor of Michael.

We are so sorry you have had to go through all of these health challenges, but grateful for the care you're getting. Plus, Luis has been amazing in his dedication and attention to details for your well being and recovery. We love you both very much
Don and Toni Hebner | Sep 24, 2021
Loving you both and sending support. Xo, Els
Els | Sep 16, 2021
Love you my PCH riding friend! Keep getting better and better Michael. I am grateful you are being cared for so well. Luis, I feel I know you via Michael's ghoulish adventures and posts! Thank you for your caring and sharing this information.
Jody Barrie | Sep 8, 2021
Sending love to both of you
Jenette Goldstein | Aug 30, 2021
Mijito siento mucho lo que está pasando ten fe y todo saldrá bien Michael es una buena persona y le deseo una pronta recuperación bendiciones, rezos y mucho amor de tu tía . Cuenta conmigo. Los quiero mucho
Margarita Flores Chavez | Aug 20, 2021
You are in the prayer list at my church All Saints Pasadena..very liberal loving caring church. Get better mr!
Jon Amirkhan | Aug 15, 2021
With complete faith that Michael is on his way back. Love to Michael and Luis.
Julia Franco | Aug 12, 2021
Hugs and love buddy! Get well soon!
Zak Gallegos | Aug 10, 2021
Rob Nagle | Aug 7, 2021
Sending you lots of love!
Mario Visconti | Aug 6, 2021