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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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Wow. It’s been 6 months since I’ve posted an update! Thankfully, I don’t have much to report. Micah had a sedated echocardiogram done today. It was the first time we’ve been back to Children’s since discharge and it felt weird walking through the halls again. 

Micah got a good report from Dr. Creighton. She said the leaking from his mitral valve has gone down. We’re now at mild/moderate leaking where before he was at moderate/severe. He’s growing well and his patchwork heart is growing with him. All of his patches look “messy” according to Dr. C, but they’re doing what they need to and his heart is tolerating it well. She’s optimistic that we will be able to go awhile still before needing to put in the melody valve (mechanical valve). We were told to prepare for the worst (age 2-3) and hope for the best (17-18). She said it will likely be between 4-6. Once he gets the melody valve, they will need to do repeat open heart surgeries every 2 years as he grows to continue increasing the size of the valve with his heart until it is mature adult size (approx 18).

 We’re going to keep praying that he defies odds, numbers and imaging and we can get him as close to full grown as we can. God can and has done such big things, we will continue believing for it! 

Non heart related, Micah is SO CLOSE to sitting up on his own…I think it will be in the next month…and he has started army crawling. He also rolls all over and babbles all day long. He loves anything that rattles and watching Mackenzie act silly as she does anything to get him to laugh.  We haven’t started good yet, but may start letting him try a few things soon. 

I have taken the summer off social media to focus on time with the kids. You’ll find us at the ballpark through the end of June with Mackenzie and Levi’s baseball schedule. We’ve been spending as much time as possible outside now that the weather has finally gotten warmer! 

Micah’s next echo will also be sedated. In December, so until then I hope to have very little to report. ♥️♥️

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