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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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My Journey After My Last Reconstructive Surgery  in October 2018.

4 Months later, February 2019 My incision is finally closed. My immune system had the process more challenging and much longer but my body's healing - so i'm thankful! - no matter how slow. I'm regaining my upper body strength, as I rehabilitate myself and slowly get back to myself.

During my recovery and “down time “, I utilized my creativity to make jewelry, herbal bath salts,  candles, etc. to supplement my income. I had already been studying the semi-precious stones for their healing benefits, also the herbs n the aromatherapy. I also have been studying Reiki and have become a Reiki Practitioner 2nd Degree.

As I haven't been able to get back into my Esthetician work, as (before the surgery) I had found obstacles with my health, and providing a mobile service.  Knowing that (3 years ago) I went back to school for a reason and not throwing my Esthetician License away but recognizing how it helped shape my journey - to understand energy better - and prompt me to the path of Healing Energy

In just a few months my SS income goes down to $870 (a month) Losing $450 monthly. As I've known this day was coming, i've been preparing. After looking over my options - the solution seemed obvious. A RV! As lifestyle that seems to fit my free spirit.  After downsizing twice now, I still have a huge scale down to do. I've spent months studying RV's - the different ones, how to live in and maintain one, every freaking thing that I can!! Because it's so much to learn - to do differently - A lot that I could mess up, if I don't do it right. I can't afford careless mistakes. I've managed to save up a big chunk of savings for it. However, I still need a bit to have us secured in our new home (RV) and keep us from being homeless.  It's coming up fast…I still can make some cash when/ if I sell my car n possessions.(TV etc) But, With what I've estimated, we'll still be short, if money doesn't come in. Right now, my entire check goes to rent, electric, water and car insurance and food... That's it! We don't get to do fun things or buy things, once our bills are paid for the month. But all of that is going to change in our favor.

If I want to keep practicing esthetics, my insurance is almost $300, to get reinstated.

I have this decaying tooth in my mouth that needs oral surgery. It's easily going to cost me a couple thousand dollars.  I've been maintaining pain n infection with warm salt water rinses, and clove oil, for the most part, i've kept it from getting infected however, it is still decaying and isn't going to just go away. I've tried to get assistance at our dental health department. They cannot help me, as I need an oral surgeon, and they don't staff one.  

If I'm going to be able to get my mastectomy tattoo it's going to cost $500-800+. However, this is not a priority (like my tooth) instead of a healing tribute for the loss of my breasts.  As they served their purpose, to nourish my children. This was only to be, adding symbolic art for the reminder (n gratitude) of what it all really means. (To me!) N what I survived.

I deal with a lot with my body. Having multiple illnesses/things is even more challenging. Every day -  It takes constant work and conscious effort with every little thing that I do. It's been (probably almost) 2 years now - since I started getting off the medications - I still have like 2 more to go (really 1 ½)

After being a 20 year patient and starting my career in the medical field - working for insurance - Cigna healthcare and then for 5 infectious disease doctors. Seeing things from this standpoint prompted me to dig deeper for healing “alternatives.” I started going deeper into Eastern practices,  That I've always respected because I've seen the results.

It's a huge process to remove the toxins and try to reverse diseases that have said in your body. I already understand the healing in foods we eat. As every time I'd feel myself catching a germ bug, I blast my immune system with berries for their antioxidants - blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, plus some citrus (vit c)

Plus salad - with green leafy lettuce, with all veggies. Esp purple, red ones. Having Crohn's has forced me to be conscious of what I consume. Otherwise i pay for it. Lol my body literally rejects certain foods. Mostly processed, high preservatives/ additives, even sometimes meat.  On top of the foods that I'm consuming - I've been deeply studying the benefits of herbs. And implementing them in my life (-mostly with tea's and tinctures currently). I understand the true healing from the minerals and nutrients in the herbs. To assist my body, So it's getting everything it needs.  I have had a ton of success since I started using CBD oil for my Crohn's instead of their ($20000) biologic meds and immunosuppressants which kept me always sick. The CBD oil cost almost $200 a bottle thankfully at last a couple months. Its essential for my healing. It's helped manage my symptoms tremendously. And I had terrible reactions/ effects from the biologics. My severe reaction from remicade had me incoherent for over a week in the hospital is what triggered PTSD in me. After years of suffering trauma I was determined to heal. It's all still part of the process. It can be tricky to balance symptoms and keep them at bay.

I've already known to utilize and implement the benefits from being physically active. Despite having fibromyalgia, a musculoskeletal condition, I push through the pain. Hey it's gonna hurt either way might as well be a good way. Muscles - if you don't use them you lose them!  I learned this years of hospitalizations having to rebuild muscle strength after being laid up for so long. Even if it's only a week or 2. The beautiful thing, the body gives you endorphins, in return. Which reminds me, amazing body, what it does all that it does - whoa! to help itself!  On days that I struggle more physically, I've learned ways that boost not only endorphins but also Sertonin, dopamine, even oxytocin. This is especially helpful in dealing with pain. As well as the importance of breathing which guided me towards meditation and breath work.

Healing is healing it's all connected mind body and soul. It's expensive to be healthy. It takes a lot of work n dedication.  I'm so grateful you have no idea what this 20 year journey has been!

RV life although it comes with adjustments/ challenges/more labor that goes into it… it's more than just preventing us from homelessness it's going to provide even more healing for me. Being in healing environments, like out in nature, will be good for me.

It's getting so close to the time we need to transition over has me a little nervous although I'm trying to keep faith and trust the process it's hard not knowing. I really need to bring more money in, so we won't end up homeless. If I could sell my jewelry and other creations, plus my possessions, it would help me. If anyone feels it in their heart to help my son and I, it would be beyond appreciated. It may be my saving grace. If I could get us in RV and get this tooth pulled, life wouldn't be better than that! Not only relieving the pain that's at my nerve ending (going into my gum line) but freeing myself of the worry of what an untreated decaying tooth can do - Fatal.

I go through my obstacles and I try to keep a good attitude but also keep things in perspective. When I go through the dark times, I don't well there. I do what I need to do to heal through it. I don't complain and I do all that I can to find ways around my obstacles by myself. I live a frugal life - I'm grateful I have learned how much more, less is. How much more, my life has become, the more I've let go.

I got set back financially a bit further, as my income has barely been enough as it is. I took in an 18 year old kids whose family was evicted and homeless. I definitely didn't have the money to be feeding another being but also I wasn't ready for the increasing utilities either. Although he has since left (as of recent)  I'm still trying to recover from carrying this extra financial weight.

I've taken hit after hit especially through 2018 but now I'm trying to get things on the up-and-up. I could you some/ any assistance. If you'd make a purchase from me, or be able to donate anything to my go fund me or my pay pal. I know stress not only hinders my healing process but it also exasperates things inside of me. Trusting,  trusting, trusting the process. But as it gets close it's hard to not sweat. As much as I faced some hard things in my entire life the amount of things I faced at once has blown my own mind. Oh yeah, right before my mastectomy, I finally got my divorce finished, which I studied the laws and represented myself! I still have to get my legal name change with the DMV. That's just $55, that's going to have you wait.

Many changes ahead but nothing I can't handle. I know the universe has my back n will make a way, out of no way...I have faith!! Anyone that feels compelled to make a purchase from me, will be helping me in many ways. Many blessings and thank you for listening to n following my journeyy!!!🙏💜🌟💚

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