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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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Hello dear prayer warriors, I hope each of you are healthy and safe during this crazy time.  I am thanking God that we are safe, healthy and doing our best on the teeter-totter of practice safe physical distancing and fill the soul with fellowship and interaction with other human beings as God created us to do!!

Tyler had his yearly cancer FREE check-up AND his 1 ½ year post-hip/femur replacement on Monday.  We are PRAISING GOD for x-rays that showed his hip/femur/knee/tibia hardware is stable and in-place as it should be!  Tyler has been experiencing some hip pain for a few months, mainly later in the day after working (COVID has been great for getting numerous fences built and projects done here on the funny farm; thanks to Tyler & Parker!)  After discussing with Dr. Callan, she believes it is muscle atrophy (completely expected when you have had as many surgeries as Tyler and had all your muscles removed and re-attached at the hip).  Needless to say outpatient PT is a must and Tyler will start back as soon as we can get on the schedule.  Please pray for Tyler’s heart and mind to see the importance and life-long need to take exercising seriously for his hardware and muscles to be healthy, strong and use-able in the years ahead.  Please join me in praying that God will literally help Tyler feel and see the benefits of the hard work he has to do in PT.  He has had some sort of PT for the same leg for 8 years friends.  This is isn’t surgery and 6-8 weeks of PT and good as new.  It sucks.  He’s officially a HS Senior and ready to conquer the world…just think back to your 17 year old self.  Please pray for him to have God’s truth and wisdom and perseverance over the cross he bears.

Tyler also had his heart echo and several labs drawn.  We are PRAISING GOD for heart echo and labs to be in normal ranges and look great (in the words of the nurse)!  The long-term effect following chemo’s that he took can damage heart function and cause liver and kidney issues.  We just cannot thank God enough for his protection, provision and care over Tyler!  He has been so faithful even when we were terrified and could not imagine having the strength…God has always been faithful and present!

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.  Deuteronomy 31:6

When Tyler was in chemo and in the hospital for weeks at a time; Randy & I would switch nights.  One staying with Parker at home and one staying with Tyler at the hospital.  With present hospital restrictions, only one parent was allowed to go to Tyler’s appointments yesterday.  As Tyler & I waited for our truck I watched as a Dad drove up, kissed the Mom that had been staying at the hospital with their child and then the Dad grabbed his bag went into Children’s and the mom drove off in the car.  I just cried as I watched them as it took me back to that 10 months of our lives.  I prayed for the couple and their child to feel God’s presence and give them the strength I know they need. I THANKED and PRAISED God for carrying us through that tough, strenuous, emotionally draining and unknown time AND for continuing to carry us in this different but unknown time we are all facing.

I share this because I think perspective is something we all benefit from.  I remember constantly saying “Make the CHOICE to REJOICE” when I need to be given new perspective from the long hours of clinic to hospital stays to our rubber walls to PT.  I pray you will join me in reminding ourselves and families that we have so much to be thankful for today and every day!!

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.  Psalm 46:1

Sending our hugs and prayers to all of you!  Thank you for faithfully praying for Tyler and our family.

I’ll leave you with a picture of Tyler from Sunday doing what he loves!!!  Speaking of fishing, Tyler & his Bass Team partner made it to the Texas High School Bass Association STATE Tournament!!  We are super proud of them and are praying the tournament still takes place in the midst of all the chaos and mandates!  ~Much Love, Courtney

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