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Apr 07-13

Week of Apr 07-13

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Dear friends,


As promised, we are sending a Maya’s Way update each year on January 18th to commemorate her passing in 2022. This is bittersweet; no one would be prouder than Maya to see the good work being done in her name. 

 Ward q

Imagine being under 40, diagnosed with severe or incurable cancer. Imagine having inadequate funds and small children who you may never see grow up. Imagine being so overwrought with side effects from your treatment that you don’t know how you will make it through the day. Imagine receiving chemo or radiation in sterile surroundings given by busy staff, who often don’t have adequate time to spend with you. Imagine the hopelessness and helplessness you would feel… 


Then imagine you can come into a tranquil center where you are surrounded by caring and loving therapists, where your treatment is absolutely free, and each personalized treatment is designed to melt away your side effects and empower you to develop an anti-cancer lifestyle. No wonder these patients have called it, “Manna from Heaven!”


Under Sandi’s expert guidance and leadership, Maya’s Way has grown exponentially this year. Sandi, who in her own mother-bear way helped guide Maya to develop the resilience and fortitude to cope with major surgery and over 60 rounds of chemotherapy, is now helping imbue patients with the same sense of grace, determination, and gratitude to get through their own treatments. She personally is now seeing up to ten Maya’s Way patients a day on some days. They are receiving adjunctive medical care from other medical providers and therapists, including life coaching, health coaching, acupuncture, energy healing, massage, nutritional counseling, and supplements - all for free.


As you can imagine, Maya’s Way patients are deeply grateful to access this type of care, with the myriad of benefits it offers. You will see this from some of their heartwarming comments shared in the enclosure.

This is exactly what Maya asked us to do, and we are so proud to be able to offer care in her honor. Not only that, The Christ Hospital Oncology team, as well as the Christ Hospital Network have been extremely gracious in working with us to allow this to happen. Hopefully, this can be a model that can be embraced elsewhere.

If you would like to support Maya’s Way financially, tax-deductible donations can be made to Under the Gift Designation, choose Maya’s Way. 


Alternatively, you can send a check to:

Maya’s Way at The Christ Hospital Foundation
2123 Auburn Ave., Suite 528

Cincinnati, OH 45219




Thank you all for your continued support. Your generosity has helped tremendously in making this possible. Wishing you all a safe, healthy and happy 2024.



Sandi and Steve Amoils M.D.’s 









Before finding AIM for Wellbeing, I had been battling chronic disease since the age of 23. At the age of 24, I was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease known as IgG4-RD. I received chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and high-dose steroids for that diagnosis for nearly 7 years. In 2021, I was diagnosed with stage III-IV nodal marginal zone lymphoma and underwent chemotherapy. At the end of 2022, I was diagnosed with stage IV diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with liver metastasis and was admitted in-patient to begin aggressive chemotherapy.


After receiving this diagnosis, I became very depressed, fearful of dying, and nearly hopeless. I had been doing everything my doctors had told me for nearly a decade, only to grow sicker with more severe diagnoses. By March of 2023, my quality of life had declined so much that I decided to stop chemotherapy altogether. I felt as if I wasn't being heard and that my experiences were not being validated, which led me to feel angry and resentful.


I made a cry for help online, stating that if something didn't change, I feared leaving behind my wife and three young sons. Someone suggested I reach out to AIM to see Dr. Sandi Amoils and to see if I qualified for a program called Maya's Way. I was skeptical and honestly didn't believe I would get in. I had been crushed physically, mentally, and financially, and wasn't sure I could take any more rejection.


Reluctantly, I called in and explained my story. Within one hour of applying, I received a call back letting me know that I had been accepted. That was the first glimmer of hope I had received in a long time. Immediately upon walking in the doors of the facility, I was greeted with warm smiles and a loving welcome. Meeting Dr. Sandi Amoils was the most impactful experience of my entire cancer journey. She listened to me, heard me, saw me, and validated my experiences. She told me about her amazing daughter Maya and why this program existed and meant so much to her. We cried together, and she held me and loved me. She also explained to me that she couldn't cure me and that my best chance at achieving remission was an integrated approach. She assured me that she could help me improve my quality of life, and I believed her.


Prior to coming to Maya's Way, I was hospitalized many times, almost bi-weekly. After beginning treatments with Dr. Sandi and the other amazing facilitators, I went on to finish chemotherapy and was not hospitalized again. My spirit was rejuvenated, and my mindset made a complete 180° as I believed I could make a full recovery under her care. I eventually relapsed and required a CAR-T cell transplant, but despite the challenges, my quality of life has flourished.


I have referred many other young adults to this amazing program, and all of us have similar stories. This place is truly a haven of healing, love, and exceptional care. Without this program, I am certain I wouldn't be here or thriving as I am today.



My name is Samantha, I am 33 and have two children, June (3) and Asher (1). I would like to share my experience in the Maya’s Way program at AIM, and how it has made a positive impact on me.  

In May 2023, my husband found a lump in my right breast. I went the next day to have it looked at by my gynecologist, who then referred me for further testing. I went later that day to the University of Cincinnati, Barrett Cancer Center. I had a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound, and within minutes of these tests, it was apparent something was wrong. I’ll never forget that day. The mammogram tech wanted me to redo the exam twice, and then during the ultrasound, the tech asked the radiologist to come in and “have a look”. That is when I started crying and asked them to tell me what was wrong. The radiologist told me to get dressed and get my mom from the waiting room. He said, “I don’t want to tell you like this, let’s go to the consult room”.  I sat with my mom as the radiologist passed me a box of tissues and said, from these scans, I am certain you have breast cancer. I went into shock and the first words I said between tears were “but I can’t have cancer, I have children”. My mind immediately went to June and Asher, and what this meant for them.

I quickly found out that cancer does not discriminate based on age. My life immediately turned into painful and exhausting diagnostic testing, everyday meeting doctors, and coming to terms with my new reality. At this time, we also found out through genetic testing that I carry the BRCA mutation. I had my double mastectomy with 13 lymph nodes removed in June and started 16 rounds of chemotherapy in July. I will be finished with chemotherapy on December 11th, and shortly after will begin daily radiation for 5 weeks. I will then need multiple surgeries, including the ovary removal and breast reconstruction.

I knew that I wanted to address my cancer diagnosis as a “whole body” treatment, including my emotional well-being as well as physical. I contacted AIM right after I was diagnosed, with no knowledge of the Maya’s Way program. The wonderful front desk staff referred me to the program The Maya’s Way program has allowed me to heal both emotionally and physically. This program offers something that you cannot find in traditional cancer treatment. The love and support that Dr. Sandi provides to her patients in this program is exceptional. I have been able to have massages which help the lymphedema I have in my arm from surgery as well as provide human healing touch, and supplements and nutritional advice to help with the debilitating side effects of chemotherapy. Dr. Sandi provides a shoulder to lean on, and a safe space to discuss how we are truly feeling.

Cancer is devastating and life shattering. It changes you from the inside out and is a beast you are constantly running from. The main thing I have continued to learn and helps me every day, is that when you get broken down to nothingness you can’t help but see how beautiful life is, and I see that in my children every day. I am forever grateful for this program, and what it has done for me during this difficult time.




On January 24th, 2023, I was diagnosed with stage 3C serous ovarian cancer. Before being a part of the Maya’s Way program, I felt as though no one really understood what I was experiencing. The feeling of overwhelming terror that my life was about to completely change. 


I heard about Maya’s Way through a friend and immediately jumped at the opportunity. I was so thrilled when I was accepted into the program. I’ve utilized many of the offered services such as acupuncture, energy healing, craniosacral massage, chiropractic care and life coaching. Every one of these services have played a role in my physical, mental and emotional health.


I am so grateful to Dr. Sandi, the incredible staff and the Maya’s Way program.

They understand what I am going through and what life can look like with cancer. Dr. Sandi does everything in her power to make me feel comfortable and as though I am part of this large family of others just like me. Maya’s Way has helped me to better understand my own diagnosis. It’s given me the tools to create a healthier and more holistic lifestyle. It lifted this heavy weight I was carrying feeling as though I was defined by my diagnosis. The program has given me hope for my future and the

determination to fight.







I came to AIM halfway through my cancer journey. I had finished chemo, just had my mastectomy and was about to begin radiation.


At my very first appointment Dr. Sandi and I spent an hour just talking about life, how difficult things were and all of the things we could do. I felt so heard and supported from the beginning. 


Since starting with Maya’s Way, I have seen a huge improvement in my energy levels, my mental approach to cancer, my understanding of and relationship with my body.


Throughout this journey, I have participated in acupuncture, lymphatic massage, neuromuscular massage, craniosacral therapy, and energy healing. I genuinely feel that all of this has helped me thrive throughout my cancer treatments and find my healthiest version of myself post cancer.




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