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Mar 17-23

Week of Mar 17-23

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Good morning.  It’s been 2 weeks since we arrived home from the University of Utah Medical Center and we have much to report! 

Matt is sooooo happy to back in NJ and the house is humming once again!  We have fallen back into our routines nicely.  Paul takes GG to school on the mornings Matt has therapy at the Kessler Institute in West Orange.  He is there MWF from 9-12pm and is really enjoying it. They aren’t pushing him physically to the extent that they did in Utah, but that will come as they adjust to his unique drive and determination.  Home is a different story… he hopped on the peloton the first day home. Stubborn man!  After a week-long medical hiatus, he’s back in the saddle and was able to finish a 15 min low-impact ride yesterday! Somewhat humbling to Matt as before the accident he was on a 180+ week streak with insane outputs, but like many other aspects in his life, he is starting from scratch.  

Matt’s right side continues to improve, and if the dogs have anything to do with it, he will have a rapid and complete recovery.  They are licking his “sleepy” hand and face like it’s their job….incredible how they know.  They cuddle with him when he’s on the sofa, and they are very careful not to bump into him while walking.  Their love and concern is fascinating to watch. 

Thanks to many of you, not only is Matt regaining strength and stamina, but he’s regaining some of the 25+ lbs that he lost while in the hospital. With increased muscle balance and strength in his throat, his swallowing is improving by the day.  Matt is motivated to get off of his level 6 diet as I’m having a hard time coming up with tasty varieties.  All of the meals that you have been sending are making my life much easier, and have been incredibly healing in many ways. THANK YOU!! 

All of the doctors continue to be amazed by Matt’s story and progress.  We know how incredibly lucky he is to be alive, let alone functioning at his level.  This has taught us to slow down and appreciate the smallest of victories.  I’ve included a video of one victory!  To me, this video is the essence of Matt's journey so far....his incredible progress, determination, and the long road ahead.  Oh and humor:) We need to have humor! (Matt couldn’t touch his thumb to his fingers a few days before this video…Neuroplasticity at work!) 

Call Matt...he really enjoys the conversations and it’s good speech therapy.  Come and take him for a walk...also great therapy.  Other than his scheduled therapies, an occasional doctor’s appointment, and a prescribed 30-minute power nap daily, he is wide open:))) 

We continue to be fueled by your love, support, encouragement, kindness, and generosity.  We are blessed.

Love to all ❤️

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