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Apr 28-May 04

Week of Apr 28-May 04

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Family and friends. Hello!

What a long and arduous year it has been for all of us, in some way, shape or form.

Let me bring you some good tidings:

I had my annual check-up MRI and meeting with my doctor this past Tuesday in St. Louis. 
I am happy to report I am STILL HEALTHY! My doctor said my brain looked great! Said it was amazing actually how much it  has progressed and settled into a fully functioning brain. There were no signs of the tumor growing back. Major win! Also, the hydrocephalus was non-existent.
He wants to see me again next January.  After that, we could probably go to every 2 years for a check-up.  All great news.

Thank you all for continuing to journey with me. I never have to guess whether the people in my life care for or about me. Thank you all for the messages that continue to come, asking how I'm doing/feeling. And bringing hope to my lowest of days.

It has been a year of contrast for me. Isn't that how God works? Shows us how dark our nights can be to then offer us the greatest light of all. Himself. It's like coming to the surface for air after nearly drowning. Drowning in distractions that so easily wiggle themselves into having perceived value and high priority in our life.  Distractions that promise us the world and leave us in a pit where no light can get in.

I have experienced some of my lowest lows and greatest life moments this year.  And God has been good in all of it. God has been so many things, but good and trustworthy among the most notable. Don't doubt His heart for you. It's better than you can even imagine. Spotless. Full of promises and hope. Perfect. Remember that when you are elated from good news. Remember that when you're unsure how to take one more step. God is for you and with you. He's not going anywhere.
I have needed the entirety of this truth this year. Truly. 

Let me know how I can specifically pray for you. I mean that.  Love you all. Keep going.

- Becca STOKES (I got married this year!)

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