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May 12-18

Week of May 12-18

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I didn't realize it's been since August since I've written! We've really not had much to report and with Marshall's condition, that's a good thing! We've been so blessed that all 5 of us have stayed healthy through COVID and Marshall's leukemia. Thank you Lord, for your protection and provision for this little boy. So with that, we have some light at the end of this shaded, leukemia tunnel...

Tuesday is Marshall's LAST spinal tap and chemo through his port! We can't believe his leukemia treatment is coming to a end. Over two years ago this date felt like it was so far in the future and now it's days away. I pictured the end of his cancer having this huge end date...but instead, it's a little drawn out. Tuesday will be his last spinal tap, chemo, and 5-day period of steroids. The following Tuesday (March 9th) Marshall will undergo a surgery to have his port removed. Then, the end of April will be the last of the daily and weekly chemo pills he takes. Then we celebrate! 

I've had a mix of emotions; excited and yet brought to tears at the same time. Unlike two years ago, these tears are of joy and relief. Recently I was introduced to another mom through a dear friend who is in the first stage of her daughter's leukemia treatment.  Now we get to be those people who went through this and coming out on the other side. Able to share in the frustrations/emotions, support them in ways I didn't realize strangers even could, and to offer the hope of Christ in what feels like a hopeless situation. 

YOU are part of this community that held us so tightly those first 8 months when times were the toughest. You've shown us that we don't need to know someone in total to be able to support them. I still haven't met many of the people who sent us cards, gift cards, and other tangible items. I'll never meet all the people around the world who prayed for Marshall to thank them. That's an incredible thing to know this community of both believers and non believers can come together to support a family in those ways. And now we get to do the same...because unfortunately this type of cancer is not going away...but you've shown us how important it is to take the time to be there for someone else.

Thank you for continuing to pray for Marshall as we cross this finish line in the next couple of months. Marshall is such a fun-loving boy with tons of energy. His love of sports, Toy Story, and all things construction keep him pretty busy these days. I'd like to think he's pretty found of the rest of us, too. ;) Marshall gets to play baseball on a "real team" this year...outside of the backyard games he's used to playing. Marshall is pretty pumped to have his own uniform and will take it more seriously than 100% of the other kids his age. We can't wait to watch him do new, normal kid stuff without any concern of a port or cancer getting in the way. We praise the Lord for the simple things to look forward to.

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