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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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On Wednesday, May 22nd we watched Mark graduate from 4th grade with the rest of his friends and classmates at Pebble Creek Elementary.  This was his last year at his school home for the last 5 years of his life.  His journey through elementary school was bookmarked by COVID cutting short his kindergarten year and his cancer diagnosis altering his 4th grade year.  As we watched his friend push his wheelchair across the gym floor as they called his name we were overcome with emotion.  So much emotion.  Overjoyed that he was able to graduate with his friends that he had spent most of his childhood with. Proud that through it all he had graduated with straight A's.  Sad to leave this school, the administrators and his teachers that pulled and pushed Mark to the finish line.  Anxious about what next year looks like.  Hopeful for a summer of memories and progress being made.  Thankful for his friends who have shown Mark so much love and support.  

In that moment I thought about the first day/last day pictures you see on Facebook this time of year.  I replayed this year in my mind and thought about how much can change in the course of one school year.  I thought about him coming home from radiation treatments and having to sit with his teachers and fight to stay awake during the lessons.  I thought about when he left school at Christmas break how that would be the last time he would walk out of that school as a carefree 10 year old.  I thought about how his friends treated him like a rockstar when he returned to school for a few days in February.  I thought about the surgeries, the medicines and the treatments that he overcame to be wheeled across that gym floor.  I thought about his teachers that came to our house until 7pm to make sure his school work was done.  I thought about the countless prayers that have been prayed and tears that have been shed over Mark during the last several months.  I thought about what was going through his mind as he accepted his diploma while the rest of gym screamed, cheered, cried and applauded him.  Most of all I thought to myself, "You did it Mark.  I will never know how but you did it!"  Somehow, some way he did it.  A quiet fighter indeed. 

Later that week, we celebrated the end of the school year by taking a Memorial Day weekend trip to The Woodlands Resort.  We had never been there before but it was perfect.  There was a great pool, a lazy river, s'mores by the campfire, golf and good food.  We had a great weekend and unlike our trip to Colorado a month before, Mark was able to enjoy this getaway.  Despite his objections, we made Mark go with us to the pool and take a couple of trips around the lazy river.  He wouldn't admit it but I think he really enjoyed it.  Jameson and I even managed to sneak in a round of golf, his first one ever.  I don't talk enough about Jameson and how proud we are of him.  He has been an absolute rock over the last several months.  Supportive, loving, caring, strong, unselfish, adaptable and hard working. Obviously, this has not been easy on him but he has continued to maintain his phenomenal grades and continues to make us proud in every way.  He earned this weekend as much as any of us and I was so happy to be able to spend a few hours on the golf course, just the two of us.

At the time of the last update Mark had just received his first infusion treatment and his right eye had opened on its own for the first time in a couple of weeks.  We are happy to report that his left eye is now open on its own as well.  He can see, which is huge.  We missed those beautiful blue eyes.  He has since had a second infusion treatment and the progress is happening although sometimes it is tough to see when you are right next to it every day.  If I think about where Mark was at the beginning of May when we got back from Colorado, the progress is huge.  First of all, he can see.  He was essentially blind for a few weeks and we had to do everything for him.  Now that he can see he can do most everything on his own but with help.  He is less tired than he was a month ago and is sleeping less and less during the day.  Last weekend he even asked to go swimming, which was the first time in awhile that he had verbalized wanting to do any sort of activity without us pushing him to do so.  

We are happy with the progress that he has made to this point and pray for continued progress.  Up until this last week he was too weak and tired for us to even entertain the idea of physical therapy.  Yesterday we met with the physical therapy team and he will start therapy twice a week next week.  Progress.  

Ever since Mark was little he always held his emotions and problems close to the vest.  Rarely opening up to us on his own if something was bothering him.  For the last couple of months Mark has been seeing a child psychologist on a weekly basis. We respect their sessions and do not ask him anything more than if he had a good talk with her and if there is anything he would like to share.  In true Mark fashion, he doesn't share anything but we know he is getting a lot out of these sessions.  We are so grateful that she has come into our lives and is a part of Mark's journey.  Progress.

The last time that either of the boys had a friend spend the night at our house was for Jameson's birthday party on January 13th.  January 14th was the day that our world was forever changed.  Last night Jameson had a friend spend the night and Mark tried to.  All week long Mark had been looking forward to his best friend coming over for a sleepover.  We didn't know how it would go but figured we would give it a try.  We swam, we ate wings, we made some s'mores and about the time we were going to put on a movie Mark was just too tired.  It wasn't fair for his friend to stay here while Mark went to bed at 8:15 so we took him home.  We are so grateful for this friend of his.  He is such a kind soul and he loves Mark very much.  It has to be hard and confusing for him to see his buddy like this but as a best friend does, he came and tried to make it as normal as possible.  Thank you S, we love you.  Progress.

We are grateful for the little wins and the big ones.  We are not doing anything right now other than trying to make progress.  Any sort of trial is off the table until the steroid dosage gets reduced and he is stronger and able to participate.  We are okay with that.  We pray for God's timing and then get discouraged with the setbacks.  We need to remind ourselves that this is all part of plan that we do not know the reason behind or the outcome of.  Perhaps these setbacks are God's way of forcing us to slow down and not enroll him in a trial until the right one presents itself.

We thank you for all of your prayers and love and support.  We are thankful for the progress that Mark has made to this point and pray for continued progress.  We pray for a continued improvement in his quality of life. We pray prayers of thanks for our community, his therapists, doctors and everyone working to piece his life back together.  We pray for his friends as they continue to support and love him.  We pray prayers of gratitude for God blessing us with two amazing kids.  We pray for a good summer of memories, laughs, friends and family.  


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