Help Marilyn Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Marilyn’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 25 donors who have made a donation in honor of Marilyn.

Marilyn, you continue to be in our thoughts and prayers every day. We love you and look forward to seeing you soon!
Gary and Robin | Jan 23, 2024
Thank you Marilyn for sharing your journey and your thoughts so openly. You alone can fight this fight, but know you have sooooo many supporters. And you show us all how to move forward with such grace. Love you ,,,,
Cathy | Jan 20, 2024
Hi Marilyn, what an amazing woman (and mother) you are and what an inspiration to all of us to love and care about you. I am hear the disappointment in your words even as you embrace another round of chemo and assortment of new health challenges. Gerry
Geraldine Weller | Jan 18, 2024
In honor of my friend, Marilyn Maag, who is truly moving forward, living life fully with a terminal diagnosis.
Jane Schultz | Dec 19, 2023
Thank you for the update, Marilyn. We appreciate all your insights on this journey. We have been thinking about you and will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Sending lots of love!
Allison Anneser | Dec 5, 2023
Marilyn, Jan and I are so sorry to hear this. You know that you, Evan and Sierra can count on us if you need anything. We really appreciate hearing how you are doing. Though it saddens us, it feels good to be included. Chris and Jan
Chris Heck And Jan Borcherding | Aug 7, 2023
In honor of my friend who is both brave and genuine.
phyllis rose carroll | Mar 17, 2023
For my friend. You are loved and admired.
phyllis R carroll | Jan 20, 2023
So glad you were able to enjoy the holidays with family. We love you Maag girls! :-) I also love how you continue to listen to and work with your body. We are thinking of you and wishing you the best for 2023.
LOve, Doug & Allison | Jan 15, 2023
Dear Marilyn, I'm so happy to hear your good news—of both your good health and the many lovely activities you related. With warm wishes—Stephanie
Stephanie Richardson | Aug 24, 2022