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May 12-18

Week of May 12-18

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Hello everyone, my name is Marija Grujicic and I am from Serbia, southern Europe. I honestly wish I didn’t need to ask for help online, but my circumstances have left me with no other choices. So please read my story. I would very much appreciate your time even if you do not intend to provide any financial contributions.

My life drastically changed with an injury while I was training taekwondo and ice skating. I used to be very active in sports and dancing for many years but unfortunately, I was forced to give it all up.

A neurosurgeon advised me to go for a surgery immediately but my mother refused to allow it. She wanted me to attempt non-invasive alternatives such as chiropractic and other therapies, which actually worsened my condition. In the end, my mother was forced to approve the surgery because my condition was deteriorating and it became dire to alleviate my pain. Due to the injury, my leg didn’t function normally and I permanently lost the reflexes, as well as a muscle in my leg that will never regenerate.  

I fell into a depression shortly after the surgery, because the recovery didn't go well as planned and was further complicated as the relationship I was in, turned abusive. The more abusive he was, the more the depression worsened; and as my depression worsened, his abuse increased. I did not have the opportunity to work on my health and improve while buried in a vicious cycle of emotional abuse I felt helpless against.

Eventually, I was forced to drop out of my studies because I didn’t have the funds to pay for University. This was also a very hard blow to me because my childhood dream was to become a psychologist and help others get through their difficulties. Throughout school, I was top of my class so having to postpone my studies was a heartbreaking decision.  

It took me a long time to start moving forward, ending the toxic relationship and getting my health back on track.

Due to the fact that I do not have any proper qualifications, I decided to try applying for English tutoring jobs in China. Not only did I want to create a distance from the abuse, I also wanted a fresh start. I had already contacted several schools in China and was scheduled to start in late spring of 2017. Unfortunately, none of that became a reality.  

In April, I was attacked, kidnapped and brutally beaten. I was badly hurt and threatened with rape and my own life. I was covered in contusions and sustained injuries to my torso, shoulders, head, neck... and again, my spine. My injury is now worse than it ever was before.  

After the incident, I moved back to my hometown to live with my mother.  
During this period, I had no idea how bad the injuries were, and I tried to recover by training daily to strengthen my muscles and to improve my overall health so that I can go back for the teaching offer. However, I was unaware of the severity of my injuries from the assault. I believed I was doing well until one day I could not get out of  bed. For 15 days I laid there receiving injections of painkillers and corticosteroids. I was lucky enough that a friend generously offered to pay for an MRI which showed the extent of the damage.  

I had to return to Novi Sad because I couldn't stay at my Mom's place anymore due to some of her own personal issues. My money had dried up fast and now that I was back, I began looking for jobs online. I found a position teaching English online and taught a few classes, but that was not enough income to survive on.  

My mother is unable to help me financially and I don't have any close friends or relatives that would be able to either. In addition, social welfare does not work well in my country. I had applied for it some time ago but have yet to receive any replies. Even if it gets approved, the stipend amounts up to USD50 a month which is not even nearly enough to cover my expenses.
I am in need of funds to pay for utilities, medical bills, food, doctor’s visits, therapies. I may even need to hire help because sometimes I am unable to dress myself and it shames me to be in that position. I’m trying as hard as I can, and I’ll continue on fighting to live my life.  

All of the medicines, injections of painkillers and corticosteroids, I've been receiving over the years has left me with other associated health problems. My thyroid and kidney hormones are also now imbalanced.  

All of this has led up to my inability to work and earn a living. If I cannot make a living I cannot begin to solve my health or financial problems. I’m in a cycle of struggle and strife. Help me break this cycle. I am a fighter, and I will succeed!

If you have the heart and the means to help, please donate whatever you can spare. Please support me to get me back on my feet so I can continue my dreams of giving back and helping others.

At this point in time, surgery is my last resort as I am trying to explore any other non-invasive options available. It is very difficult for me to live in constant severe pain almost daily. On good days, I get to leave my bed and take a walk. But most times, I'm in bed and imprisoned between four walls. I really don't want to spend my life living like this. No one should live like this.

I am meant for more, to do more, to make an impact on the world. Not being independent and living in pain is something I don't want to settle with. I won’t let this be my forever.  

There were times in the last few months where I didn't know how I will survive; that I should just end it. However, some people who heard my plights started helping me by giving me some emotional and financial support to survive.

I have been through a lot and I have so much more to offer. I wish to overcome my struggles so that I can pursue my purpose: to guide people through the difficulties in their lives. I must regain my health so I can support myself and achieve my goals. I’m very inspired to help others and I genuinely need your help to make that possible.  Click here to support me

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