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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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Hey everyone! I have had some of you asking how my health journey is going and since summer is coming to an end, I thought I would give an update!
I am not even sure where I left off.....This summer has been a busy one even though I cut my shooting schedule in half, it was still pretty busy! I think the last update was talking with my breast surgeon and oncologist about waiting until after my last wedding in October to possibly do surgery. They agreed to let me get through my busy season, so my double mastectomy is scheduled for November 4th at Huntsmen in Salt Lake if its still needed.
After many hours of research, I decided not to take the recommended estrogen inhibitors while waiting for surgery. It was a tough choice, but the side effects out weighed the benefit for me and one of the drugs can cause cervical cancer down the road. I chose instead to continue my research and stay on Fenbendazole (Panacur horse & cattle dewormer) as my main course of treatment. I have continued to add a slew of heavily researched vitamins and supplements, as well as continuing to eat vegan with as many cruciferous vegetables as possible, using my cold pressed juicer daily and eating lots plants and beans for protein. It's been amazing what I've learned through this journey. I am so intrigued by everything I've come across and I have so appreciated each and everyone of you that have donated through my go fund me and to those that have sent me snail mail (I love snail mail) and texts of encouragement and prayer. I've loved getting messages with new cancer treatment info that a friend or relative has tried or discovered. It's all so helpful!
The funds donated have paid for my infrared sauna sessions, lots of vitamins, high levels of IV-C drip treatments (which aren't cheap so thank you!), lymphatic drainage massages and a host of other things (if you want to know everything please message me). There are so many other things that I would love to do, but had to put a hold on things with my summer schedule. I am excited this fall to really focus on some things I've learned through the many books and podcasts I've listened to while driving back and forth from Helena to Bozeman.
The next thing on my list is to get a Prenuvo scan in Dallas, Texas when I am there for work in September. This technology is new and uses no harmful radiation, dyes or radioactive sugar. I am getting this as a baseline so maybe in the future I won't have to do anymore mammograms, CT Scans or PET Scans. Learning how the body heals and trying to do everything I can to make sure my body stays health and strong is my top priority. Prayers are much appreciated and needed for the Prenuvo scan to show I am cancer free or the tumors are shrinking.
If you know anyone going through a cancer journey, I encourage you to read or listen to the book called Radical Remission. It gives hope & amazing stories of cancer being healed in ways I've never heard about. When dealing with cancer, we need lots of hope and this book is about that.
My goal is to heal my body of these cells that have decided to misbehave and to not have surgery, chemo or radiation. My surgery date will remain and I will make decisions as it gets closer, but in the meantime I am focused on loving on my body, changing my mindset and asking God what I can learn through this. I know he is teaching me to slow down (and that is so so hard for me), my clients have filled my cup this summer and I felt so good working. I definitely needed naps and gave myself permission even though in the past I would've beat myself up for needing more sleep. I've been gentler on myself, knowing my limits, trusting my body more and my intuition. That is hard to do in the pace of life we keep these days.
Since cutting all sugar, alcohol and processed food since my diagnosis, I feel less anxious and more calm. It's interesting, I've battled anxiety for years and I sleep like a baby, my mind doesn't race and I just feel more calm. I've also really limited caffeine which has helped.
My journey to eliminating toxins is going to be a long one. From products that have to do with cleaning, laundry, makeup, lotions, hair care (dyeing my hair is one thing I am battling letting go of as the gray is coming in hot LOL)....also looking at EMEF's, how much time I am in nature vs. on my phone/ computer....the list could go on. I am not stressed over it, just being more concious of what goes on my body and what I am eating. Always asking myself "is this going to help heal my cells or make the disease grow."
Listening to so many podcasts and books on audible this are some things you can do (lots of you have asked and aren't sure how to help or feel awkward asking)....
1.) Help me laugh more! Send me funny things. I love to laugh and sometimes with life and raising kids and working I get too serious. I need to laugh more, it helps heal the body!
2.) Hugs....the body is full of energy and when someone is lacking or their cells need a boost, hugs are an amazing way to help bring those cells into alignment. Hugs can instantly boost oxytocin levels, it helps in healing some negative feelings such as loneliness, isolation, and anger. Hugs strengthen the immune system.
3.) Share stories of people healing from cancer, disease or illness. Connect me with people that have found what works for them in their health journey! There isn't one specific way to heal cancer and what works for the same type of cancer may not work for one person but it does for the other.
4.) Lots and lots of prayers for discernment and healing!
Thanks again for all the love and support. This girl feels loved and I can feel your prayers.

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