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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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Friends & Family,

Today I'm writing to you about the best possible news. The results of Marc's PET scan showed no evidence of cancer!! We are so happy and relieved to have received this wonderful news. Best Christmas present ever!!!

Although we have not met with Marc's doctors yet regarding the scan, we will do so next week. We received the results via an online confidential portal where patients can see the results of their tests in a timely manner. The scan did show that Marc has several non-cancerous spots on the back of his tongue probably related to the chemo and radiation treatments, per the radiologist reporting the results.

Even though Marc continues to feel numerous side effects of the treatments, we feel he is on the road to recovery. We will now continue to concentrate on increasing his diet beyond cabbage & noodles & green beans, and working towards the eventual removal of his stomach tube. And, although this process will take several months or longer, we now have the positive news we needed to move forward with hope and encouragement for a full recovery.

Marc's throat continues to remain sore making talking, eating & swallowing difficult. The tingling sensation in his hands & feet is lessening but still occurs. But, the doctors have told us that only time will heal these side effects from the chemo and radiation. We are hoping for an earlier date for his hernia surgery, but need nearly perfect blood test results before this occurs. So, we do have a ways to go, but are encouraged and strengthened by this recent good news.

We feel so blessed to have taken this journey with so many special friends and family members who have done so much to comfort, support, and pray for us. Words cannot express how grateful we are to be blessed with this terrific group of people who have mowed our grass, delivered our prescriptions, completed outside yard work, answered our questions, delivered nutritious drinks, sent cards,  emails, and texts of love and support, and offered to help in so many ways to numerous to mention.

At this time, we feel it is no longer necessary to post weekly updates.  Hopefully, the remaining recovery period will continue as planned. We would love to continue to hear from you so please call, text or email and we will update you should anything additional occur during the recovery period. 

I honestly must tell you that cancer is a terrible and frightening disease that I hope and pray you never personally experience. But, life has a way of throwing things in our path that we never would have planned. My wish for you is that should any tragic event occur in your life, that you have the love and support we have been shown during Marc's journey with cancer. 

We wish you and family the merriest of Christmas's and a healthy and happy New Year.

Much love, JM

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