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Apr 07-13

Week of Apr 07-13

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Hello again,

I can not believe how fast the last two months have gone by. It is flying and we are having oh so much fun. Our days a beautifully full right now. On Sunday the 12th our Maddie moo turns two! What in the world?? How did this happen?!? As I(Autumn) sit and reflect back on the last two and a half years from the first abnormal ultrasound to today I am just overwhelmed with the whole thing. I am overwhelmed by the heavy days, by the hilarious days, by the incredibly scary days, by the beautiful days. I am overwhelmed by the uncountable moments where God held us, loved on us through you and infused us with so much more than Pamidronate. He brought strength when we were so weak. He brought peace when all around was a storm of panic and anxiety. He brought forgiveness and grace when we forgot how big He was and gave full entry to fear and anxiety. But most of all He brought us a BEAUTIFUL gift of our Maddie.

If you have not had the honor of meeting this little girl I pray you do at some point. The stunning personality God gifted her is such a gift to US and everyone she gets to meet. She is spunky, hilarious, smart, strong, motivated and this little girls work ethic and determination are like no other. There was a moment when I sat in the doctors office by myself (because of COVID) in the early sonogram after sonogram days and the doctor looked at me as we were starting to realize what lay ahead and asked me "Do you want to continue with this pregnancy?". I obviously said absolutely and there is not a day that goes by I am not overwhelmed by the gift He has given in her. She was fearfully and wonderfully made and He does not make mistakes. This road has had some really hard moments. And I have cried more ugly cries than I care to share here. I have held her through some moments I prayed so hard He would keep her from but in those moments He held us both and we walked away knowing His love in a way we couldn't have without them. It has not been all beautiful and full of smiles these last two and a half years but I can absolutely say every smile has been a million times sweeter than I could've imagined. So I just wanted to brag on my girl and my God for a minute as we step into what this next year for Maddie and our family brings. My heart is so full of gratitude and truly overwhelmed this morning with the goodness of God, the kindness of all of you and the stunning gift of our Maddie.

A quick update on things happening with Maddie. She has been in both PT and Aqua Therapy (which she hated at first but now LOVES) for the last ten weeks and has her last AT on Tuesday. She is getting crazy strong and SO close to walking. She can walk holding our fingers and she has her first walker which she can scoot around with as well. Now that she is two we are able to bump her infusions to every three months instead of every two...woooooo!!!! We are SOOO excited about that. Her ortho appointment this week showed that she is healing perfectly from her rodding surgery in November. She has only fractured we think twice since the surgery which is amazing. Her ortho says she is happy at how little she is seeing Maddie! Woo! Up next is an infusion next Thursday the 16th and not again until JUNE!!! Double wooo!!!

I feel more grateful than I can say. I pray you all are well and feel His love today. Praying some beautiful yellow butterflies come your way soon. (We saw our first one of the season this week...So excited for warmer weather) :)

Love to you all,

The Wrights

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