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May 19-25

Week of May 19-25

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Today marks two years since our lives changed in an instant.  Never would I have thought that this would be our life.  One moment life is moving a long in the most normal way possible and then in an instant everything you know in your life changes.  A life that I am so very thankful for but a life that will never be the same.


The last two years I have been so very thankful for how incredibly far Maddy has come.  Considering her injuries, she shouldn’t be where she is today.  But unfortunately, this accident has changed us all; most of all it’s changed Maddy.  She has lost so many friends that she used to have.  She lost that bubbly personality that everyone loved.  She was so full of life and always had a smile on her face.  Now people don’t know how to accept or take the person she is now.  Unfortunately, those she was rebuilding a friendship with after the accident didn’t understand nor know how to take her being so quick to anger.  That ended up with friends that just chose to leave and not take the time to try to understand how the new Maddy’s brain worked.  It was even difficult for us as a family.  We still struggle today to understand.  But we do the best we can.

It still hurts to see her struggle with friendships or lack of friendships.  The pandemic didn’t help when we couldn’t have people over when we got home from the hospital; but we did the best we could.


I am so very proud of her.  She graduated with her class last May.  She got the screw out of her pelvis at the end of September.  She started back to Physical Therapy over the summer and then went back to PT after she had her screw removed and has been doing Occupational Therapy since the summer.  She started Recreational Therapy in December which allows her to workout and work on fine motor skills.  She is working hard to be the best version of herself that she can be.


It still doesn’t change the hurt and pain that I have as a mom to watch my 19 year old miss out on so many things that she should be doing right now.  She had such an incredibly bright future ahead of her and here we are; she is unable to drive and be a normal teenager.  It breaks my heart.


It’s definitely something I don’t wish on any family but I do know how incredibly thankful we all are that she is alive.  I don’t want to sound like I’m not thankful, because I am.  I just wish I could snap my fingers and give her the life she deserves to have had.


I appreciate everyone that has continued to keep us all in your prayers and have done so very much for us.


The last two years have been tough on each and everyone who is reading this and I pray that each one of you have been healthy and continue to be safe.  My heart goes out to those who have lost people that you love. This world is definitely not for the faint of heart ans so different than it was just two years ago.


Thank you to all the nurses, doctors, teachers, principals, EMT’s, Firefighters, Officers, those providing testing and caregivers; each one of you hold a special place in our hearts.


Loves of love and stay safe,




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