Help Lynn Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Lynn’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 37 donors who have made a donation in honor of Lynn.

Wishing Lynn and Chris and the whole family all the best as they navigate this very tough time. We are thankful to read reports of Lynn's progress.
Polly and Jon | Apr 18, 2020
Lynn, we were sorry to learn about your accident and hope you make rapid progress and a full recovery! John and Teresa Howe and Willa Howe '10
John Howe | Mar 5, 2020
Hello Lynn and Chris, Jim and I are sending much love and all good wishes to you both. Kathy Cole
Kayhy Cole | Feb 24, 2020
Thinking of Lynn and all of you.
the Tremblays | Feb 17, 2020
I so appreciate Caring Bridge. As a centralized messaging system, it has made it easy to keep Lynn's community updated and has freed me up to spend more time with Lynn rather than spending time emailing everyone. Thanks, Caring Bridge! --Chris
Chris | Jan 11, 2020
Maeve McHenry | Jan 11, 2020
Caring Bridge has been a wonderful way to broadly share information across a group of friends. Great service. Thanks.
Ted Finch | Jan 10, 2020
Abby Russell Prior | Jan 10, 2020
It’s wonderfully to see your smiling self, Lynn! Many good thoughts your way for the next step of this journey. Thank you Chris, for these updates.
Rachel | Jan 10, 2020
Lynn, I will continue to keep you in my prayers. Thinking of our Winsor good times.
Gloria Coren | Dec 19, 2019