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Apr 28-May 04

Week of Apr 28-May 04

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For those in attendance at Sunday's celebration, you likely heard Jen Runia's touching poem she delivered.  I thought it would be nice to include it here for those that did not have a chance to attend.  In addition, Bonnie Wright had asked to share a story after the next viewing of the video.  Unfortunately, that viewing never happened, so I wanted to share her story here as well.


From Bonnie Wright...

Good Afternoon,

I spoke to Chris this week concerning pictures and during the course of the conversation, he asked me if I would like to speak.  I told him although I usually have plenty to say, and husband can verify that, I was sure I just couldn't...But all week I have been hearing that still small voice reminding me that all those years, young Lynette was almost like family, and if she could find the strength and determination to fight cancer, surelyl I could find the courage to share a fond memory.  So I am going to tell you about a time that showed Lynette's optimistic spirit even as a very little girl.

At the time, we were living in close proximity to the Dobson and Fish homes, and our combined 8 lilttle girls shared a common play area.  Hardlly a day went by that the girls weren't visiting back and forth between the houses or playing outside.  Over the years, they became almost like sisters.

This memory is of the time that Lynette and Michelle needed to have their tonsils removed.  We assumed we would not be able to see them for a few days.  You can imagine my surprise when I heard a light tap on our door the very next day, and I opened it to find a tiny Lynette on our front step holding, of all things, a large bag of potato chips.  I said, "Well Lynette, didn't you have your surgery?"  She didn't speak, but she nodded her head up and down affirming that she had indeed come from the hospital.  I said, "But surely you are not going to eat potato chips yet are you?"  She still did not speak but continued to nod her head up and down indicating that she was going to eat chips soon.  I said, "Well you can set them down if you want to visit."  With that thought, Lynette clutched the bag tightly to her body and tenaciously shook her head side to side.  She just knew that at any time she would be able to enjoy her wonderful treat.  Of course, we soon found out that little Lynette had slipped out of her own house, chips and all, to show our family what a strong and brave big girl she was!

We saw that well rooted spirit of optimism play out many times over the years, as we watched Lynette participate in track, volleyball, 4-H, FHA, and many other school and church activities.  We were proud to see her grow into a lovely young woman and successful teacher, with a wonderful family of her own, and the resolve to live each day to the fullest.


By Jen Runia

She was like a candle
consuming herself
to light the way for others...
She was a teacher- a daughter- a sister...
She was a blessed and beloved mother.
like a midsummer’s night
even in our darkest hours...
she was WARMTH and she was LIGHT.
She didn’t hide it under a bushel and she never let satan blow it out -
and though she left us far too soon
she left us without a doubt...
That SHE WAS A WARRIOR- and advocate- a courageous, compassionate
And the only reason
she ever dimmed her light was to let
I Love YOU Lynette Dobson💖
Shine Bright Tonight Orofino

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