Help Lori Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Lori’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 23 donors who have made a donation in honor of Lori.

Bob and Lori, Chaos seems to be all around us these days, and yet, you provide us insight into how it is possible to maintain love and peace in the midst of it. Thank you for sharing your Journey with us.
Sergio & Tania | Apr 20, 2023
God bless you, Bob. You're taking great care of Lori and doing as much as you can. Stay well.
Laura Fournier | Apr 2, 2023
RobertBob Norman | Aug 16, 2022
Lori and Bob, Your posts are reminders to live each day with shared love and of the possibility of continued personal growth in the face of life's unavoidable perils. Thank you so much.
Sergio & Tania Clavijo | Jul 13, 2022
Lori and Bob, thank you for sharing with all of us. You are an inspiration of what is possible in this journey that we will all take someday.
Much Love, Jan And Danny | Mar 19, 2022
Thank you for sharing your inspiring thoughts and feelings with us.
Tania and Sergio | Feb 16, 2022
Honoring Lori Norman
Jo Hausam | Feb 14, 2022
Beth Imhoff | Sep 24, 2021
Suzanne Reiersen | Jul 26, 2021
Our hope is that you find good in every day. Love. Tania and Sergio
Sergio Clavijo | Mar 18, 2021