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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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It's almost been a year since our last update (August 23, 2021), but it's been such a busy time.  I do apologize for not providing an update and will try to do better.  As we entered our favorite season, the fall of the year, things sort of got back to normal.  COVID-19 seemed to be a little more under control, friends and family were able to once again visit each other, and we looked forward to the holiday season.

In 2020 I wasn't able to help decorate the County offices for Christmas but did take an active role in hanging of the greens around the County this past year, even helping with the annual Christmas parade.  Although Lisa said 'little is much' I of course over decorated our home for the entire Christmas season, allowing it to remain well past the Twelveth Day of Christmas.  Lisa was feeling better than she had in a very long time, so I suggested she get her knee fixed.  On December 30, 2021, she had total knee replacement surgery and stayed in the hospital only one night.  She pushed through the pain and was up walking that same evening of surgery...and able to meet all of "Lou's" techniques to checkout within 24 hours.  Lisa came home with the cryotherapy machine that was a life saver.  It applied ice cold pressure to her knee and messaged calves simultaneously.  Lisa went to every physical therapy session with Dr. George Reed and his staff, even one morning in the snow and did everything asked of her.  She was almost better than before after only six weeks.

Following that in February and March she had cataracts removed from both eyes and again complied with everything ask of my precious.  Dr. Charles Kirby of Chattanooga Eye Institute performed her surgery with exact precision and gave her sight back.  No eye infections, only great results.  She was not able to qualify for the new lens so she updated her glasses and can see well enough to shoot a .22 pistol now (if she wanted to).  So, things were only looking up with a new knee and two new eyes we actually talked about a true vacation somewhere far, far away over the rainbow.

But then in early March that old familiar feeling of shortness of breath once again came around, but somehow it was different this time.  Watching Lisa, I know she didn't want to even entertain the idea of the possibility of....dare I say it ~ the cancer may be back.  But Dr. Stephen Depasquale had made it clear there is no cure for ovarian cancer...outside of God's total healing.  So, Dr. D ordered a PET scan then on March 16, 2022, we met with him where he reported Lisa's cancer had returned, somewhat aggressively.    Initially he did not order any treatment but allowed Lisa to make the decision as to when treatment would begin.  Stating, "you must weigh the tumors symptoms against the side effects of the chemotherapy". 

May 4, 2022, Lisa chose to meet with Dr. D and once again began weekly chemo treatments.  He recommended going to a type of chemo that had proven successful in many ladies he'd treated called Topotecan.  He suggested continuing the treatments for three months and then we will reevaluate the progress of the chemotherapy.  After two cycles (6 treatments) Lisa's kidney function began showing some numbers heading in the wrong direction.  This particular chemo is filtered through the kidneys, and she just could not sustain the dose.  On July 27, 2022, Dr. D recommended going back to a type of chemo she was on last year 'Taxol' because it is not filtered through the kidneys yet should hit the cancer hard enough to prevent it from spreading and dry up some of the fluids created in her abdominal cavity from the tumors.  He told Lisa she most likely would lose her hair, but she said, "that will be okay doctor, that'll be okay". 

Lisa has been so very strong for so very long...but I can see her becoming so very weak.  Since May 11th she's had four paracenteses where they have removed 22 liters of fluid from her abdomen.  It hurts me to watch my wife get poked and prodded; to take so many pills and vitamins every day; and for her strength to fade each day.  I long for a day that that she says, "let's go for a drive and have a picnic" somewhere, anywhere, anytime.  As a message to all of our friends and family...Lisa is fighting with everything in her sweet little body to be as compliant and do everything ask of her, she wants to get better, but she needs a touch from The Lord Jesus to make this happen.

We ask each of you to pray for Lisa's healing and for her strength to improve every day.  This has been a very difficult two weeks for both of us.  I've found myself at home very sick, but I'll get better in time.  I know the Lord works in His awesome and mysterious ways but thank God His ways are not my ways.  HIS ways are perfect and will yield perfect results throughout all eternity.  We know...

When peace like a river attendeth my way,
when sorrows like sea billows roll;
whatever my lot, Thous has taught me to say;
It Is Well, it is well with my soul.  

Atop everything in life happening now, Friday evening we experienced a power surge from Georgia Power that would have fried everything in our house if we had not had 13 surge protectors that took the hit.  Although, I've found a monitor, garage door opener, a couple of battery chargers, a couple of clock radios and unfortunately our new (2015) refrigerator apparently took direct hits and are gone.  But overall, we are blessed to live in a home located here in Dade County, Georgia; blessed to pay taxes and call ourselves American.  So, we have very little to fuss about and "stuff" can be replaced.  The surge apparently hit us for a unique reason, possibly to share the Good News of Jesus with a repairman...who knows.  

Take away from this journal: 
Prayer changes everything, and we believe in prayer and call upon each of you to pray for Lisa (both of us).  We love you much...until next time.

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