Help Libby Stay Connected to Family and Friends

A $30 donation to CaringBridge powers Libby’s site for one month. Will you make a gift to ensure that this stays online for them and for you?

Join the 18 donors who have made a donation in honor of Libby.

Brian Heidsiek | Jan 8, 2021
Libby, we honor you, your family, and DJ for your strength, incredible spirit and loving hearts. This is such heartbreaking news, and we feel helpless, but not hopeless. Congratulations on your new home, as this is just wonderful news!
Cathy Harber | Jan 6, 2021
My prayers are with you Libby. I am glad that you are receiving such good care. Love to you and your Parents.
Tom Melancon | Dec 14, 2020
Sending you heart energy.
nancy y cope | Nov 24, 2020
Peggy and Joe Weber | Nov 17, 2020
Libby, you are string as an ox and an extraordinary person. Thank you for sharing your experience with the wider world and just know we are with you darling!
Love, Cathy H | Nov 17, 2020
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, Libby!
JOANNE FOSTER | Nov 2, 2020
You are so right, Libby, it's all about attitude. I love that yours is positive. I'm praying for a positive outcome for you.
Robin Larson | Nov 2, 2020
We love you Libby.
Erin Ancich | Oct 26, 2020
I love you Libby. I hope you will let me know how I can be helpful to you.
Jane Holbrook | Oct 3, 2020