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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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Hard to believe its been over a year since I made a post to Dad's Caring Bridge page.  I guess that's really a good thing, no news is good news!  Unfortunately, on August 1st we received news that Dad's cancer has returned and has spread to other areas.  My Dad made a post about this on Facebook in August, but some people may not have seen it.  

Dad had been experiencing some pain and some other "issues," so his Oncologist sent him for a CT Scan a little earlier than originally planned.  The scan showed that lymph nodes in his abdomen and neck showed signs of disease.  This is the first time he has had any signs of cancer since he completed his chemotherapy and radiology after his surgery in October 2016.  His Oncologist believes that the abdominal pain Dad has experienced is from the cancer returning.

Where do we go from here?  This time the cancer is inoperable.  However, his Oncologist is hopeful that the spreading of the cancer can be slowed/controlled with chemotherapy.  Pancreatic cancer is a real tough one.  Most people don't live more than about 6 months after being diagnosed.  At Dad's Oncologist office they call him the "miracle man."  He was diagnosed in May 2016, and he's still here.  There's lots of conversation about odds, life expectancy when you get this type of news.  That's completely understandable.  Dad's Oncologist always finishes his run down of all the grim statistics with an upbeat "but!"  Meaning, we still have a course of action, there is still hope.

Chemotherapy - Chemotherapy is the course of action.  Dad has had two treatments for this round as of this writing.  There are some that are able to live with this type of disease for many years and control it with chemotherapy.  The good news is that Dad's cancer was very responsive to the chemotherapy the first go round.  The tumor shrunk and it allowed his surgeon to operate.  The bad news is the chemotherapy was really hard on Dad.  It just kicked his butt and caused several other health issues.  At times, it was hard for Dad to walk or even get out of bed while undergoing chemo.  This chemo is not the same as the first or second rounds, lets hope the positive results are the same and the negative effects not as much as before.

Dad has had some ok days lately and some not so great days.  The chemo is definitely wearing him down some. He has said that he will continue with chemo treatments as long as he has a reasonable quality of life.  That's understandable, and that's completely his decision.  Selfishly, we want him here as long as possible.  If you have a second, shoot him some words of encouragement, say a prayer, anything is welcome.  I know he loves to hear from all his Facebook friends!

Dad, aka Grandpa - when you read this know we all Love you!
Lila, Austin, Grant, Josh and Kim 

Pics are from Dad's 72nd birthday July 31st

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