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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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I want to close out this Caring Bridge site with his obituary and the funeral notes from our dear friend and former pastor, Bo Brown:

1 Corinthians 1:1-9a

We come today to remember the life of Lee Pate, a dear friend of almost 20 years, and whose family I have known even longer. To Viki, Madison, Kelsey, Peyton, Lee’s brother and parents; we do not simply mourn for you, but we mourn with you in the loss of a great man. Lee was my friend, my Brother in Christ and more… I would like to share a little about the man I knew..

How we came to know each other:

- A stranger shows up to Community Baptist Church... I told Viki that I had met her little friend. She mentions that he said he was going to marry her, but that was not necessarily in her plans.

His faithfulness to his family:
  • His love for the girls – I remember conversations with Lee about the girls, their personalities, and how their relationship with their mother would mean they would be a critical part of the family. He stated how as far as he was concerned they would be his daughters if they wanted to be, never pushing himself on them, but loving them unconditionally as his own --- and he did!
  • His love for Peyton - There is no other better example of the love of Christ than a father willingly and unconditionally accepting a child as his own. It is the model of our adoption into the family of God through Christ’s sacrificial love. Lee never waivered in his love for you Peyton, even going as far to put his name on your birth certificate, establishing a permanent relationship based on love. You were and are HIS son.
  • His love for Viki - How can I express how much he loved you… I watched from the beginning his love for you grow and grow. It was completely sacrificial, just wanting to serve you, model Christ to you, and make you know how loved you were.
Viki told me, how they both knew they would see each other again someday. That is the assurance we have.

His faithfulness to his church:

- Served in so many voluntary roles. If there was a need, he was willing. Whether it was kids, youth, or adults, Lee was willing.

- Deacon – I was blessed to have him serve as a Deacon, where every month he was one of the most faithful Deacons in communicating with every family that was assigned.
  • The funny story - "The best lookin' deacon at Community Baptist Church"
His faithfulness to the Savior’s call:

- He was never beyond sharing the testimony of God’s faithfulness and provision. It was not an afterthought, but an active part of his life until the end.

- He knew the Gospel and lived it to all those around.

- He caught me off guard at our last conversation. They say that sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it is a memory… My last conversation/time spent with Lee is now one of those times. Steph and I went over to spend time with Viki and Lee last week, knowing that his remaining time would be brief. Although his voice was more a whisper, and words were not as easy to express as before, we talked football, life, several things other than his ailment, as that was too prominent to allow to consume our conversation. As I would always do, I would encourage him with words and actions, with plans to conclude our time together as I always did – with a prayer to ease his anxiousness.
Lee, being Lee, unbeknownst to me, had decided differently. As Steph and I went in to give him a hug, he grabs my hand, and before I could speak, and with the strongest voice I had heard in months, began praying for me… not himself. He prayed for my health and treatment, for my wife and her faith and
endurance, for our new grandchild on the way, all while ignoring his own situation. He ended with “I love you!”

** There are things greater than the things of this world.
** Commitments that transcend this earth and point to a Higher Calling.
** As it says in Hebrews 12, we are surrounded by a cloud of witness, made of those with the traits of the men and women of chapter 11 who pleased God by choosing faith over situation, relying on God rather than their own understanding. – And now, I believe, have one more member.

Matthew 25 tells the story of God handing out responsibilities. They are referred to as “talents” being more monetary, but with the teaching lesson being more about stewardship.

Lee was blessed with much, the blessing of family, of church, of vocation, and he made sure to give all glory to God, as he would say, without which he would have none… I believe there is no doubt, just as the faithful servant was greeted, so was he greeted. – “Well done good and faithful Servant. You have been faithful...come share in your Master's happiness."

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