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May 26-Jun 01

Week of May 26-Jun 01

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It's hard to believe we it's almost the 4th of July!   Time is flying for most of us.   As a cancer survivor, I can tell you when going through treatment, time seems to crawl like a slug and people find themselves just praying to be on the other side of an "all clear''.   She is and is handling the time in between her treatments just like the warrior she's been from the beginning.  Of course, it's not easy, but she is amazing everyone.

The sports news has been filled lately with those chosen to travel to the Summer Olympics in just a few short weeks.  Those elite athletes have nothing on Lee!  If you read anything about what it takes to be an Olympic athlete, it sounds like a description of Lee.

  • Resilience,
  • Perseverance,
  • The ability to successfully cope with adversity.
  • Being a fighter and never giving up
  • motivated, driven, a hard worker,
  • Hopefulness
  • Optimistic

Since the last update, Lee aced her final "red devil" treatment on June 2 and texted me the very next day with an that she was doing fine had an IEP meeting at school that lasted 3 hours!  Now that is a hero!  Her positive attitude and can-do spirit have really helped her move through what would flatten many.  She wrapped up the school year on June 9th and went to Chapel Hill on the 11th, escorted by super Stephanie Overton, for a checkup with her oncologist, Dr. Dees. The appointment was amazing!  After the exam Dr. Dees reported the tumor is around 2.5cm and she could not feel the lymph node.  That means the red devil did some good work!  Finally, a devil did something good :)

Lee started the second phase of chemo on 6/16 which consists of 12 weeks of Taxol treatments once week.  Just like Lee, she says she's feeling fine. Tired, but resting when her body tells her it's time to slow down.  They told her the Taxol won’t be as hard on her body, but of course, the chemo is cumulative.  She is continuing to take the anti-nausea meds as a precaution since they worked so well with the first treatment.  They did say her appetite may decrease with this series since they do not give steroids with this type of treatment. She will be heading into her 3rd Taxol treatment this Wednesday (6/30) and is estimated to finish chemo by 9/1.  I am honored to join her to see the surgeon, Dr. Downs-Canner, in Chapel Hill on 9/3.  She will have scans in the morning and the appointment in the afternoon and which will dictate the surgery. 

Please keep Lee in your prayers.  Pray for continued bravery, courage, strength, boldness, patience, peace, light, and love.  Pray she feels the love and support from so many near and far.  Pray that each bad cancer cell be destroyed and replaced with good ones.  Pray for bravery and courage for Noah as he is by her side through all of this.  Along with the prayers, feel free to comment here and send well wishes to Lee.  Let's keep her laughing!

Go Lee Go!  You've got this dear friend!  One day at a time you are winning and are that much closer to your gold medal and the "all clear".

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