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Apr 28-May 04

Week of Apr 28-May 04

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Our very late update!
Leah was released from the hospital last Friday afternoon. She took her pain meds right before leaving to help keep her comfortable on the 2 hour ride home. She was a bit goofy but did surprisingly well. When we got home she was faced with going up a few steps for the first time. She had no trouble with them and couldn't wait to try the stairs to her bedroom. I was shocked. Went up all 15 steps smooth as could be! Unfortunately the night quickly changed. I think all the commotion and traveling really wore her out. It was terrible. Her emotions were extremely high and she couldn't get comfortable no matter where or how she laid. It had been so much easier adjusting her on a hospital bed and it felt like we were lost. 
Saturday morning we were up early desperately searching for an adjustable bed that we could get quickly. We ended up finding one and Taylor headed right out to get it. It ended up being a lifesaver. She was finally somewhat comfortable. 
Night 2 at home went alot better but in the morning Leah was adamant that she wanted to be in her own bedroom. (We had setup the bed and everything downstairs so we could all be in one room). We decided if she felt more comfortable in her room then that's what we should do. So Sunday we rearranged rooms once again. I could see the relief on her face when we got her to her bedroom. She even said "finally some privacy". I'm sure that did feel good after constantly being surrounded by people all week! We attached a bed rail which was another lifesaver. She could then adjust herself and surprised us by getting in and out of bed on her own. We also attached a doorbell to her nightstand so she can easily get our attention when we aren't in the room. 
She still has alot of pain but things are definitely better than they were at the start of all this. She gets frustrated that she isn't able to do much right now but were hoping that changes soon. Last night she was finally sitting up drawing. Something she has wanted to do but hadn't been able to due to the pain when she sits. It was great to see her sitting up although her shoulder was bothering her.
This last week has been filled with ups and downs. I'm glad that Leah is determined and pushes herself to get up and moving yet shes careful not to push herself too far. Shes so strong and brave and we are so proud if her. I cant even imagine everything shes been through and shes still kept us all laughing the entire time. 
Leah has turned into a night owl and typically calls family time at 10pm 😂. Some nights were all still hanging out at midnight! Last night she was still awake when I took her meds at 3am and she requested pizza. Hopefully we will get her on a more normal schedule soon but for now were just sleeping when we can which isn't much when we have to give her meds every 3 hours. I was glad this morning she didnt even know she took her 6am meds she dozed back off so quick. Hopefully today she will be well rested and feeling up to trying new things 😊

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